Who is the Fallen Star in Revelation 9:1?  

After the fifth angel sounded his trumpet in Revelation 9:1, a “star fallen it earth” is given a key to the shaft of the Abyss (NIV) or the “bottomless pit” (ESV, NRSV), which he unlocks and opens in 9:2. What does this star represent?

The star is usually identified as an angel based on Job 38:7 and other Second Temple texts, which describe angelic beings as stars. But this angel could be either a good or bad angel.

Angel with the key to the abyss, Augsburg School, c. 1550

The key word is “fallen” (a perfect active participle from πίπτω). Robert Mounce (192) and R. H. Charles (1:238) consider the verb “fallen” to mean nothing more than “to descend,” and his actions opening the shaft of the Abyss are no different than the angel who sounded the trumpet. Mounce suggests this is the same angel who locks the Abyss in Revelation 20:1. George Ladd argued the star “represents some angelic figure divinely commissions to carry out God’s purposes” (129).

It is quite true this star “fallen from heaven to earth” is fulfilling a divinely appointed task, but it is difficult to argue πίπτω simply means “descend” either in Koine Greek or the book of Revelation. Things that fall are always bad in Revelation.

This star is often identified with a fallen angel, either a powerful demon such as Abaddon or Satan himself.  Since Satan is described as falling from heaven in Revelation 12, it is possible this “star fallen from heaven to earth” is Satan. However, in Revelation 12:8, Satan is thrown down to the earth by Michael, a slightly different description than Revelation 9:1.

There are several examples in Second Temple period literature of “fallen stars” as demons. In the Animal Apocalypse, the writer describes the origin of “bad animals” as fallen stars: “I observed the sky and behold, I saw many stars descending and casting themselves down from the sky” (1 Enoch 86:3). In the Testament of Solomon, a demon describes the activities of the “principalities and authorities and powers.” The demons deemed unworthy to enter heaven are “dropped like flashes of lightning to the earth.”

Testament of Solomon 20.14–17 I asked him, “Tell me, then, how you, being demons, are able to ascend into heaven.” 15 He replied, “Whatever things are accomplished in heaven (are accomplished) in the same way also on earth; for the principalities and authorities and powers above fly around and are considered worthy of entering heaven. 16 But we who are demons are exhausted from not having a way station from which to ascend or on which to rest; so we fall down like leaves from the trees and the men who are watching think that stars are falling from heaven. 17 That is not true, King; rather, we fall because of our weakness and, since there is nothing on which to hold, we are dropped like flashes of lightning to the earth. We burn cities down and set fields on fire. But the stars of heaven have their foundations laid in the firmament.

In the Coptic Apocalypse of Elijah, both Elijah and Enoch confront the “shameless one” as fallen from heaven like the morning stars:

Apocalypse of Elijah 4.8–12 Are you indeed not ashamed? When you attach yourself to the saints, because you are always estranged. 9 You have been hostile to those who belong to heaven. You have acted against those belonging to the earth. 10 You have been hostile to the thrones. You have acted against the angels. You are always a stranger. 11You have fallen from heaven like the morning stars. You were changed, and your tribe became dark for you. 12 But you are not ashamed, when you stand firmly against God. You are a devil.

The Apocalypse of Elijah seems to have been written no earlier than AD 150. It is more likely composed in the third or fourth century and relies on Revelation or other Christian apocalypses. However, the idea of Satan falling from heaven appears in Luke 10:18.

I do not think it is necessary to choose between a good angel who is dispatching his divinely appointed commission to open the Abyss and an evil angel who is acting on the orders of Satan to open the Abyss. Perhaps the angel is not (morally) either good or bad, but simply the being appointed by God to open (or lock) the Abyss.

9 thoughts on “Who is the Fallen Star in Revelation 9:1?  

  1. The animal vision in the book of Enoch helps us understand how literally vs. figurative John’s vision is. John clearly knew about Enoch, and both were clearly visions given by the same God. I am almost entirely certain that what is being released are the fallen angels which were imprisoned in Enoch 88:1.

    Enoch 86:1
    And again I saw with my eyes as I was sleeping. And I saw the heavens above, and behold, a star fell from the heavens, and it transformed and was eating and pasturing among them.

    Enoch 86:3
    3 And again I saw in the vision, and I looked toward the heavens, and behold, I saw many stars descend and cast themselves down from the heavens to join that first star.

    Enoch 88:1,3
    88.1 And I saw one of those four who had come before; he seized that first star which had fallen from the heavens, and he bound it hand and foot and threw it into an abyss. Now that abyss was narrow and deep and desolate and dark… 3 And as I looked in the vision, behold, one of those four who had come forth hurled stones from the heavens, and gathered and took all the great stars, whose genitals were like those of horses, and bound all of them hand and foot, and cast them into an abyss of the earth.

  2. Please is this linked to the Opening ceremony of the 2022 Common Wealth Games ?

    • the argument of the star draws a interesting conversation of it being Satan. Undoubtedly it can be seen that’s there is a correlation between Satan and the fallen star. My assumption is that we as a people always associate destruction and tarnish with Satan which can lead us to put the blame on him(1 Peter 5:8), like illustrated in the blog post revelation 12 gives us an idea of it being connected with Satan, “Satan is thrown down to the earth by Michael(Revelation 12)” These example doesn’t necessary provide exact evidence of this being Satan but there is a great connection to the passage that leads us to believe it is Satan. This being parallel with so many different stories I think this blog post does a great job eliminating other candidates that could be the fallen star. Just like the rest of the bible this could be a metaphor for something (country) or someone of a great status that has fallen and has destruction following after it. there are so many things you can connect this fallen star with but I think the blog post provides great examples to why it could be Satan, personally my first thought would have been to blame the devil for any mishap because destruction follows him everywhere he goes.

  3. In Revelation 9:1, we encounter a mysterious figure referred to as the “fallen star” who plays a significant role in the unfolding of apocalyptic events. This enigmatic character sparks curiosity and debate among scholars and theologians, inviting us to delve deeper into the symbolism and meaning behind this portrayal. Let’s explore some perspectives on the identity of the fallen star and its implications within the broader context of Revelation. One interpretation posits that the fallen star represents a celestial being, possibly an angel or spiritual entity, who is cast down from heaven. This interpretation draws parallels to other passages in the Bible that depict the fall of angels or heavenly beings, such as Lucifer’s rebellion in Isaiah 14:12-15 and the expulsion of Satan from heaven in Revelation 12:7-9. According to this view, the fallen star symbolizes a malevolent force that initiates or facilitates the events described in Revelation 9. Another perspective suggests that the fallen star symbolizes a human leader or ruler who wields great influence and authority on earth. Some scholars associate the fallen star with historical figures or political powers that have caused widespread devastation and chaos throughout history. This interpretation emphasizes the role of human agency in the fulfillment of prophetic events and underscores the theme of divine judgment upon earthly powers.

  4. There is many things in the Bible that is out right states and this is one of them, but identity of this “fallen star” is one of the most interesting. I think that the reason might come from the human nature of wanting to know what is going and what has gone in the past, the trait in seen in history when humans have come up with myths, having seen what they don’t understand so they try to make sense of anyway. It could also be that is triggers the desire of have things completed. This has be seen in many people, it is the reason why we dislike leaving something unfinished, like a puzzle or a project. We get restless when we don’t get stuff done. One personal example is reading, I highly highly despise not finishing a plot line in a book even if it takes multiple chapters. Humans have dealt with this for years, is why many people over the years have devoted their entire lives to one thing, just when their think that they are done, some new comes up. But in the long run, somethings don’t have to have a deeper meaning nor does everything need to be identified.

  5. Revelation 9:1 is a fascinating verse, and it is a lot confusing. It is more about the fifth angel that is blowing his trumpet, a star falling from heaven to earth and receiving a key to the shaft of the bottomless.” Start” fallen? Who or what is this starts a question: is it this a non-living thing, but it is a person? Isaiah 14:12 mentions that ” Day Start” is called Satan, who has fallen from heaven, and he is called Day Start. At some point in history, Satan is also a reference to Lucifer, who again God and led a million angels. Also, some angels fell with Satan, and they all were locked up in the Abyss, which God made only for those who worshipped idols and denied the word of God. However, Satan had a key to free them from the Abyss and destroy the world, or I would destroy Christians so that they could be with them in hell. But it is also essential to understand that the key does not belong to Satan; still, God is in control.

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