Last Call for Biblical Studies Carnival Links for October 2015

bs-carnival1The October Biblioblog Carnival will be hosted right here at Reading Acts. A “blog carnival” is a collection of links on a particular topic for a given period. I think the idea of a blog carnival first developed out of psychology or sociology blogs, but the first BiblioBlog carnival was Joel Ng at Ebla Logs in March 2005. That blog is not long gone, but you can read an archive of it at Peter Kirby’s Biblioblog Top 50.

I invite you to email me suggested links (plong42 at or a direct message via twitter (@plong42).  What have you read this month that was challenging, simulating, or maybe even a bit strange? This is a good time to promote a less well-known blog you enjoy, or you can send a link to your own work. Sometimes you just need to flog your own blog to get it noticed.

I may or may not use every link sent to me, but I am always grateful for your help. I will try to finish up the carnival while hiding in my office on Halloween, hording all the candy to myself.

Last Call for Biblical Studies Carnival Links for August 2015

bs-carnival1This is the last call for links for the August Biblioblog Carnival hosted by Bob MacDonald (@drmacdonald). I know Bob has been busy all month collecting the best contributions to biblical studies and theology on the web in August, but he can always use your help. Feel free to send him your suggestions soon, on September 1 he will post his Carnival.

William Brown and The Biblical Review (@willhartbrown) is hosting the September carnival. Would you like to host a Biblioblog Carnival? Please email me (plong42 at and pick your month. I have a few spots open this year, and I am starting to fill in months for 2016 already. I would love to see some previous hosts return, but new blogs are encouraged as well.

Carnivals are a great way to attract attention to your site if you are new blogger, but more importantly it gives you a chance to highlight the best and the brightest in the world of Bibliblogs.

Last Call for Biblical Studies Carnival Links for July 2015

Summer CarnivalCelebrate a long hot summer with the July 2015  Biblical Studies Carnival by Lindsay Kennedy (@digitalseminary) at My Digital Seminary. I am sure Lindsay would appreciate having a few nominations for top posts for the month. Here is a link to Lindsay’s form to submit links.

In August, Bob MacDonald (@drmacdonald) will host the Carnival, but he rest of the year is more or less open.  Please email me (plong42 at and pick your month! Carnivals are a great way to attract attention to your site if you are new blogger, but more importantly it gives you a chance to highlight the best and the brightest in the world of bibliblogs.

Last Call for Biblical Studies Carnival Links for June 2015

keep-calm-carnival-is-coming-2The June 2015 Biblical Studies Carnival will be hosted by  William A. Ross, so if you have any suggested links for significant blog posts related to biblical or theological studies, feel free to send them his way (williamross27 at gmail dot com).

The July 2015  Carnival will be hosted by Lindsay Kennedy (@digitalseminary) at My Digital Seminary, and Bob MacDonald (@drmacdonald) is hosting in August.  The rest of the year is more or less open.  Please email me (plong42 at and pick your month!

Carnivals are a great way to attract attention to your site if you are new blogger, but more importantly it gives you a chance to highlight the best and the brightest in the world of bibliblogs.

Biblical Studies Carnival for May 2015

carnival1Dr. Claude Mariottini posted the May 2015 edition of the Biblical Studies Carnival. He has a nice collection of the best biblioblogs for this month.  Dr. Mariottini also made this observation: “I discovered that many people who write academic blogs have stopped writing or have posted very infrequently to their blogs. I have to confess that I could include myself in this last category of bloggers. Some bloggers who are prolific in posting to their blogs, post items that are only indirectly related to biblical studies. These bloggers may post items of interest to some people, but these posts do not provide an in-depth study of the biblical text.”

I agree: some of the best bloggers have either  stopped writing altogether or they are only occasionally posting. But there are always new blogs and new grad students who post frequently. If you look down the Top50 list, there are a few blogs still hanging around that are dormant, while the new writers have not generated the numbers it takes to break into the Top50 list. So if you are a new blogger, keep at it! Post quality material people want to read and that will generate interest for a long time. Probably hosting a Carnival will help too.

I did not see Jim West’s anti-carnival this month, but he did post this gem in anticipation of the SBL Poster session.   Brian Small posted a round-up of blog posts on the book of Hebrews at his Hebrews blog, Polumeros kai Polutropos. And by round-up, I mean the one quality post on Hebrews he found over the last two months.  I have been using FlipBoard to collect interesting blogs, so if you are using this great App on your mobile devices, check out my Biblical Studies Magazine. The link goes to the Web Version, it is cooler on my iPad.

This is the schedule for upcoming carnival for the rest of 2015 and beyond.

If are are willing to cover an upcoming Carnival, let me know and I will add you to the schedule. Carnivals are a great way for you to highlight some of the best and brightest who do work hard to provide quality posts on biblical and theological topics. Contact me via email ( or leave a comment below and I will get you set up with a future carnival.
