Book Giveaway – An A-to-Z Guide to Biblical Prophecy and the End Times

To celebrate the near conclusion of by May-Term class on Daniel and Revelation, I have a copy of this book by J. Daniel Hays, J. Scott Duvall, and C. Marvin Pate.  Zondervan originally published this book as a Dictionary of Biblical Prophecy and End Times, I reviewed it under that title in October of 2011.  This is a paperback version, but the contents are the same as the hard-back.

This is a handy, non-sensational guide to prophetic texts in both the Old and New Testaments.  The book includes summaries of prophetic books (Revelation is particularly helpful and has been “spun off” as an e-book for Kindle).  Other topics include schools of thought (dispensationalism, amilennialism, etc.) and specific prophetic images (great white throne, four beasts of Daniel 7, etc.)   Some more obscure topics are covered as well (gematria, 4 Ezra, for example).  As I said in my previous review, the book is a handbook rather than a detailed encyclopedia.  The authors give a quick definition and overview of the topics, enabling the student or busy pastor quickly to get what they need to read a passage.

To enter,  leave a comment and I will pick a winner at random from the comments.  I will close the contest on May 16 and announce the winner then.

17 thoughts on “Book Giveaway – An A-to-Z Guide to Biblical Prophecy and the End Times

  1. Sounds like something beneficial when helping our college kids understand the hard stuff.

  2. As the one who got you started in biblical prophecy (I Wish We’d All Been Ready!), I believe for that reason should have the book just to keep this old guy up-to-date. Bill Groeneveld

    • I don’ t have anything clever to say other than Ray would love to have this in his collection. Me too.

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