Thomas Renz, The Books of Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah (NICOT)

Renz, Thomas. The Books of Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah. NICOT; Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2021. xxxix+703 pp. Hb; $56.00.   Link to Eerdmans 

Thomas Renz is the rector of Monken Hadley. Previously, he taught Old Testament and Hebrew at Oak Hill Theological College (1997-2009). Renz published a revision of his 1997 University of Bristol dissertation as The Rhetorical Function of the Book of Ezekiel (VTSup 76; Brill, 1999). He has contributed many articles on these books and a monograph on Hebrew Poetry, Colometry, and Accentuation in Hebrew Prophetic Poetry (KUSATU 4; Hartmut Senner, Waltrop 2003). This new volume of the New International Commentary on the Old Testament replaces O. Palmer Robertson’s highly respected commentary on these three obscure Minor Prophets (Eerdmans, 1990, now available as an Eerdmans Classic Commentary).

Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah

Renz states in the preface he tried to confine himself to matters which “illuminate our understanding of the received Hebrew text” (xv). Initially, he did not want to be overly concerned with text-critical or redactional issues. But as the commentary progressed, he realized some discussion of source, form, and reduction criticism was necessary. But these are not what drives this commentary. Technical details appear in the commentary under the heading “composition” or in the footnotes. This will make the commentary accessible to pastors without being overwhelmed by technical details.

In the twenty-page general introduction, Renz suggests prophetic books were written soon after they were uttered, and he is skeptical about reduction criticism in various sources and theories suggested for these books. It is uncontroversial to speak of the unity of the twelve Minor Prophets, even if there is no actual agreement on what constitutes that unity. Renz suggests that Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah were grouped together because they share the same setting, the changing of the empires regarding the life of Judah. “Nahum speaks to a people for whom Assyria seemed invincible, predicting the fall of Nineveh and the end of its empire. Zephaniah speaks into the period when Assyrian domination was less keenly felt, but the Neo-Babylonian Empire was not yet on the horizon. Habakkuk addresses the problem that the divinely promised rise of the Neo-Babylonian Empire merely substituted one evil for another.” (p. 20).

The introduction also has a brief sketch of the implied historical setting of these three books, the late Neo-Assyrian and early Neo-Babylonian Periods. Nahum dates before 612 B.C., Habakkuk a bit later, just after the rise of Neo-Babylon and Zephaniah to the reign of Josiah. This gives a range of 660-600 B.C. for the three books.

Each commentary section uses the book’s superscription as an introduction to the book (thirty-five pages for Nahum, twenty-four pages for Habakkuk, and twenty-seven for Zephaniah). The first section, Profile of the Book, begins with the superscription and moves to what he calls the “macrostructure.” This is more than just an outline since Renz includes literary and rhetorical notes as well. In this section, he includes language, style, redactional history, and the textual witness. In the textual witness section, Renz compares the MT with the LXX, any Dead Sea Scrolls available, and other versions and briefly summarizes the difficulties that emerge. For Habakkuk and Zephaniah, Renz sketches the historical setting of the book (omitted for Nahum). However, for Nahum, he has an extended discussion of the development of the book.

Each of the individual introductions concludes with a section on the rhetorical function of the book divided into five sections. First, he summarizes the message of the profit in its original context. Then he places it into the context of the Twelve Minor Prophets in the larger biblical canon.

Following this is a history of interpretation. Renz begins this section with the Dead Sea Scrolls. For example, in 4Q169, the pesher interpretation of Nahum turns Assyrian brutality into Hasmonean cruelty under Alexander Jannaeus. He briefly comments on the fragmentary Zephaniah pesher (4Q170), but 4QpHab is missing from the history of interpretation for Habakkuk (Renz mentions it under textual witnesses for Habakkuk). For Christian interpretation, he comments briefly on ancient fathers, the Renaissance, the Reformation, and modern critical writers. Renz does not intend this as an exhaustive survey; these books are not often mentioned in ancient sources.

Finally, he discusses the place of the individual prophet in the church today. Nahum celebrates God’s sovereignty and justice, and Nahum invites readers to join the celebration. The book of Nahum becomes a token of God’s final judgment over evil. Remarkably, Nahum is a book of comfort for people who are suffering at the hands of evil, people who are helpless, abandoned, and afraid. Habakkuk invites the reader to reflect on the breakdown of the good order, the weakness of the Torah to restore justice, and the role of God in this world. Renz suggests Habakkuk teaches that thoughtful, engaged prayer, informed by scripture, can help discern what is really going on in an evil world. Zephaniah is clear wealth and power count for nothing in the face of God’s judgment. In fact, there may be benefits to being powerless.

The body of the commentary begins with a new translation. This includes extensive textual and lexical notes, often spanning several pages. For example, On Zephaniah 2:5-13 the notes run eight pages (through note nnn). The translation is often stunning. Renz strives for clear yet moving English phrases that reflect the heart of the Hebrew text. I would like to have his translation gathered into a few pages so one could read the whole of the book in a few pages.  Following his translation is a section commenting on the composition of the section, mostly form and redactional notes, but Renz also comments on rhetorical strategies in these brief sections.

The commentary is verse-by-verse, with remarks on nearly every word of the verse. Renz provides a clear exegesis of the Hebrew text, with all Hebrew appearing in transliteration. A non-specialist will have no trouble following the commentary. Virtually all secondary literature appears in extensive footnotes. Renz makes extensive use of recent European commentaries such as Jörg Jeremias on Nahum (BKAT; Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2019), Heinz-Josef Fabry on Habakkuk (HThKAT; Herder, 2019), Huber Irsigler on Zephaniah (HThKAT; Herder, 2002), and Johannes Vlaardingerbroek on Zephaniah (HCOT; Peters 1999). Renz’s commentary may be the only access to the resources for many English readers.

Each commentary unit concludes with a reflection that draws a few conclusions and occasionally connects the section with the larger canon of scripture. For example, reflecting on is exegesis of Habakkuk 2:4-5, Renz asks, “Who are the righteous in Habakkuk?” The righteous are those who are victims of injustice and the inability of the Torah to set things right (p. 294). This leads him naturally into a brief discussion of the use of Habakkuk in Romans 1:17. Righteousness from God as a matter of Faith from beginning to end. Habakkuk is to continue to trust God and cling to his commands despite the apparent uselessness of such obedience.

There are several excurses scattered throughout the book: The Relationship between Nahum 1:15 (2:1) and Isaiah 52:7 (106-09); The Destruction Nineveh (129-30); Different Hebrew Terms for Lion and Lion Imagery in Assyria (141-46); The Assyrian Campaigns against Egypt (164-70); “Look You Scoffers” or “Look at the Nations” (239-41, on Habakkuk 1:5); Significant words in Zephaniah (431-32); Finding the Book of the Law (435-43).

Conclusion. Thomas Renz’s commentary on Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah is an excellent exegetical commentary that demonstrates mastery of the Hebrew text and provides a sufficient historical setting to understand with clarity the text of these obscure prophets. This is one of the most extensive commentaries on Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah and will serve both those teaching these prophets in the academy and church for many years.


See also: Five Questions with Thomas Renz at EerdWorld.

Other Commentaries in the NICOT Series:


NB: Thanks to Eerdmans for kindly providing me with a review copy of this book. This did not influence my thoughts regarding the work.


3 thoughts on “Thomas Renz, The Books of Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah (NICOT)

  1. Hi, just wondering if you wouldn’t mind providing a few examples of some translation choices in Renz’s book that you thought were particularly stunning. Also wondering if you have read Robertson’s book and how you might compare the two (seems odd to me that his commentary would be replaced in 30 years unless the replacement was meant to do something particularly better).

    • Hello David, I apologize for not replying before, but your comment was caught in the spam filter and I did not notice it until this morning. I will answer the second part first: I do not know what the actual motivation to replace the Robertson commentary, other than Eerdmans replaced most (all?) of the minor prophets in the NICOT series in the last few years. At least one they re-print now as a “classic” commentary (Pieter A. Verhoef, The Books of Haggai and Malachi, see my review below). My guess is the editors at Eerdmans think thirty years is the life-cycle of a commentary and there was nothing particularly wrong with Peterson.

      I noticed just this afternoon the Oscar Roberston commentary was reprinted in the Classic Commentary series, and have added a link to the post.

      I will come back to the first part of your question, I need to get the volume from my office and refresh my memory!

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