Daniel 1:8-16 – What was Wrong with the King’s Food?

Daniel believes that eating the King’s food will defile him.  Why does he think this?

The NRSV has “royal rations,” the NIV simply has “food.” The Hebrew here uses a Persian loan-word פַּתְ־בַּג (pat-bag), a word is used only here and 11:26 in the Old Testament. The Syriac cognate means something like a delicacy or rich food. Whatever it was, the food was the best quality, not only fit for a king, it was literally eaten by a king.

According to 2 Kings 25:29, King Jehoiachin was also ate the King’s food when in exile. There is nothing judgmental in the 2 Kings passage, although some detect an unfavorable comparison to Daniel here. While Jehoiachin ate the king’s food, Daniel refused.

Why does Daniel refuse to eat the King’s food? There are several possibilities. First, some of the food may have been forbidden according to Leviticus 11 or 17:10-14. Pig and horse was commonly eaten in Babylon (Baldwin, Daniel, 83), both would violate Jewish food taboos. Occasionally someone will claim the food is not kosher, but this is an anachronism since the kosher traditions followed today may not have been developed in 600 BC. Daniel also refused the wine of the king, although wine is never forbidden as unclean in the Law. It is possible the wine had been offered to the gods of Babylon, or that Daniel had taken a Nazarite vow. 

A second explanation is the refusal is Jewish law forbids the eating of meat that is sacrificed to false gods. This is true later in history and it makes sense for Daniel 1. Eating meat sacrificed to idols is always a problem for Jews living in the diaspora and is a serious controversy in some of Paul’s churches (Romans 14-15, for example). But there is not much evidence it was a problem in the Old Testament.

Third, a better explanation is Daniel understands eating the king’s food represents accepting the king’s friendship and patronage. To share food is to commit oneself to a relationship (Gen 31:54, Exod 24:11, Neh 8:9-12). Remember King Jehoiachin accepted the king’s food implying his loyalty to Babylon. In fact, Daniel 11:26 warns against everyone who eats from the “rich food” of the king who is to come (repeating the word פַּתְ־בַּג, pat-bag).

Daniel does not refuse the training of the king or the use of a new name, but he draws the line at the eating the king’s food because it is a public declaration of dependency on the king. Daniel not rely on Nebuchadnezzar, but only on the Lord.

Daniel therefore resolves himself not to eat this food. This is literally “sets his heart” not to eat the food. Daniel understands the situation, and decides, in his heart, what is right and what is wrong, and choose to do the right thing. Once set, Daniel will not be moved.

His plan is to eat only vegetables and water so he will not defile himself. The word זֵרְעֹנִים (zērĕʿōnîm) refers to seeds and herbs, but it probably refers to food grown from seeds. Whatever the food was, Daniel chose not to eat the king’s food. (This is not a pro-vegetarian passage!) The chief does not think this is a wise idea, since he is certain that without the king’s food they four will be weaker than the rest, then he will get into trouble.

After Daniel determines in his heart not to eat the food, the Lord gives favor to Daniel and his fellow captives so that the guard accepts the alternate plan for a trial period.  Just as the Lord was active in the fall of Jerusalem, he is active in the preservation of Daniel and his friends – they might very well have been executed for their refusal of the direct order of the king!

The text says that the boys are “fatter of flesh,” meaning healthier.  This recalls Joseph’s vision of the “fat cows,” meaning very healthy, exactly the way you expect a prize cow to be.  Here is means that the boys are visibly healthier than the other men in the king’s training.

43 thoughts on “Daniel 1:8-16 – What was Wrong with the King’s Food?

  1. I think the point about food indicating an acceptance of a particular relationship is very telling. Frankly, all of the various institutions that Jews practice now were not put into place until a much later time in history–such as the requirement to only commit oneself to food that is kosher. Even now, although most people do not acknowledge it, the act of eating food implies a great deal about community. For a rather pointed example, suppose I were to start spending time with a lady, and over the course of a few weeks, we grow rather fond of each other. The invitation to go “out to eat” actually carries a lot of weight. It is not simply a recreational activity that we would do for fun–although that is of course partially true–it is rather a symbol that identifies us as officially “dating”. Perhaps that is a bit crude to compare this example to the text about Daniel refusing the King’s food, but I think it clarifies my point. Jesus ate with “sinners” in the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John), and people found this to be rather offensive. Why? Because eating implies acceptance and relationship. If eating were merely a recreational activity, then the Pharisees would of had nothing to complain about. Daniel obviously understood this to some degree, but I wonder if his reaction to the King’s official was predetermined and intentional or merely intuitive. Either way, he obviously chose to do the right thing. Frankly, according to the context, I believe if he went with his gut, he would have devoured the food–as any teenage boy might do. Thus, before the request even came before him, he knew that he was going to refuse. This is a great lesson for us today. Our theology is not merely head knowledge, but it prepares us for very important moral decisions that we will have to make.

  2. Compare Esther 2:6.
    Esther is distinguished in that while all the potential brides are supplied with cosmetics, Hegai “the guardian of women” gives her cosmetics and a ration. It’s a particularly interesting distinction, because her cousin Mordechai is identified as being among the exiles “who were exiled from Jerusalem … with Jehoiachin the king of Judah”.

    Maybe Mordechai’s family also received a royal ration, as part of Jehoiachin’s group of exiles and she was entitled to part of it? But if so, it would be hard to reconcile with the statement in 2:10 that she didn’t tell anyone her name or ancestry. So we have the virtuous Daniel, who stood out by declining the king’s rations; and the virtuous Esther, who stood out by receiving them. Consequently, I don’t think that we should understand Daniel’s refusal as being a mark of praiseworthy independence: the most parsimonious explanation is that Esther 2:6 is consistent with Daniel 1:8-16 and that it is refusing to eat the common diet that is a sign of piety.

    • I think the reason most readers consider Daniel’s refusal is praiseworthy is the Book of Daniel presents it that way. But your comparison to Esther is fair, since in her case she was willing to become part of the harem of the Persian king (and accept all that comes with being part of the harem) rather than refuse these honors and accept death.

      A major theme of Daniel is resisting the empire (even to the point of death) but that is not the theme of Esther. The writers of the books are presenting a very different story. Food (or patronage) is not the issue in Esther…but it is disturbing that she hides her heritage. Is that ever condemned or praised in the book?

      • A major theme of Daniel is resisting the empire (even to the point of death) but that is not the theme of Esther. The writers of the books are presenting a very different story. Food (or patronage) is not the issue in Esther…but it is disturbing that she hides her heritage. Is that ever condemned or praised in the book?

        Maybe it’s implicitly condemned in Esther 4:13-14 when Mordechai says “Do not imagine that in the king’s palace you will escape the fate of all the Jews”. If so, that underscores the contrast with Daniel who was also in the palace but didn’t try to conceal his identity. But Mordechai then goes on to suggest that there’s a reason Esther is there: so that she can be the agent of deliverance for the Jews. So my reading of the contrasting messages is that Daniel refuses to assimilate, as an act of piety, even when his life is threatened. Esther assimilates (at least outwardly) because her life is threatened, but at the critical moment she reveals her identity and intercedes for her brethren.

        I can imagine this as a dialogue among the exiled Judaean community: whether to proudly refuse to assimilate; or whether to go along with the dominant culture in public, while privately retaining a Judaean identity. People taking the second course would be able to say that by “fitting in” they could help their fellow exiles. I imagine there must have been a dialogue along those lines, but of course I don’t know whether it’s actually reflected in the texts.

      • It is clear that Daniel refused to eat the food that the king’s servant offered him and over the years, people have stated various reasons for Daniel’s action. 1, Some argue that horse and pig meat was eaten in Babylon and this is why Daniel and his friend refuses to eat because that type of food was prohibited in the Jewish culture. 2, Others believe that the main reason Daniel and his 3 friends refused the food because the food that was being served to them was the meat of animals that had been sacrificed to Babylon gods, and knowing this, they did not want to be part of their acts. I strongly believe that all of these reasons are somewhat correct. We cannot know for sure what the main reason was, we can only assume.
        However, I strongly agree with the 3rd reason which is that Daniel did not accept the kings food because they did not want to build a relationship with the king and depend from the king. The 3rd reason sounds more accurate because in Daniel 1, we also see that Daniel also refused to drink the wine. Daniel and his friends did not want to depend from the king and that is the reason why they chose to eat vegetables only.

  3. There are a lot of possibilities of why Daniel chose not to eat the king’s food: First, as you mentioned, he did not want to break kosher. The food of the pagan king could have been sacrificed to idols, and that would break kosher if Daniel ate it. His rejection of the king’s food could have also been a slight rebellion against the king, and the state that Daniel was put in. As you stated, “Daniel does not refuse the training of the king or the use of a new name, but he draws the line at the eating the king’s food because it is a public declaration of dependency on the king.” Daniel did not want to be seen as placing his trust in anyone other than the Lord. I would argue that it went even deeper than dependence on people, and Daniel did not want to be dependent on anything other than the Lord—including food. By giving up the food that was said to place him in “…worse condition than the youths…” (1:10) that were his age, he exercised his faith and dependence on the Lord as his Sustainer.

    Something that I have seen a lot of churches do—and have even participated, myself—is the Daniel fast. Fasting is a great spiritual practice that we should exercise regularly—to make sure we are not becoming too dependent on the external, earthly things. This can be applied to other areas than food—especially in our society. We, like Daniel, could all take a break from the things of the world that are considered “normal” and “expected,” and take time to refocus our hearts.

    • I like that you listed out all of the different possibilities of the reasoning behind why daniel and the others did not eat the food that was given to them by the king. Whether it be the idea of it not being kosher, or the food was sacrificed for idols. But I think that you covered it when you said that you thought that it was how they were honoring God and trusting Him that he will provide enough for them to be satisfied. Daniel did not want to be dependent on any other god besides the true King Himself. I also shared some of the same content in my post but honestly, I think that you did a better job than I did with getting the message out of this passage. Daniel Fast has to be done with the right intentions. If you do the fast with the intentions that you want to lose weight then you are doing it completely wrong. The Daniel Fast is meant for you to learn how to trust that God will provide you with everything that you need and He will not leave you in the dust. If you look at Matthew 6:26-34 you will see that if God will provide for the birds and they do not go hungry then he will provide for you and ect.

      Overall, good incite by this blog post. Your post went into depth on what the Daniel Fast was really about and I admire the work that you put into it.

  4. I will start by saying that all of these possibilities are very strong and that it could even be a combination of them that resulted in Daniel, Shad not eating the king’s food. While it is true that they would not have touched the pork or beef as stated in the article or the possibility that it was because the food was offered to idols, I still prefer the idea that they did it in order to show that they still depended on God for their everyday necessities. It reminds me of Psalm 145:15-16 which says, “The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food in due season. You open your hand; you satisfy the desire of every living thing.” These boys knew and trusted that enough to go against the king and risk the possibility of punishment or even death. Another thing that stood out to me as an example that they trusted God to provide was the fact that they gave up drinking the wine. It seems really small and when I first read that they refused the wine, it confused me as the wine was typically a way to kill bacteria in their water. However, I think this is another example of how much Daniel and his friends trusted God to provide. Even though they may have been putting themselves at a higher risk to get sick from the water they trusted God to keep them healthy and they obviously were as the end of the chapter shows that they were “fatter in flesh” than the others.

  5. This passage in the book of Daniel is something that I have grown fond of. I believe that this passage can apply to us in today’s society and we can take what Daniel has done and apply it to ourselves. Sometimes we fall into the trap of fast food because it is easy to access and affordable. But we need to be strong because we know that it is unhealthy for us to eat even though it is instant gratification. We need to trust that God has provided a meal for us that is healthier for us and provided form Him. It states in the Bible, “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.”(2 Peter 1:3) This analogy is not only about food but in other areas too. One thing that I can not comprehend from the text, it says that the boys were “fatter in flesh”. How can teenage boys become fatter just from eating vegetables? Then I realized that there was more meaning behind them just eating their veggies. It shows that God will provide no matter what if you show that you are discipline to his work and trusted in what God had in store for them. Another way that the boys had to show that they had to trust God was the fear of death when they did not eat what the kind had provided for them. In some way that could have been shown as disrespect to the king. Yes, they did not eat the food from the king because they knew that God would provide for them but also, during this time period it could have been not kosher for them to eat pork or beef. Not only did they not eat the food that was provided for them from the king, but they also did not drink the wine. Overall I think that this passage was portraying that you do not need to be dependable on man but in God. When you depend on God alone then you will be provided for and also satisfied

  6. What Was Wrong with the King’s Food?
    While I do think that the food itself had nothing wrong with it—it was probably very fancy and very delicious, it was what eating it meant and symbolized for Daniel and the others. By eating the King’s food, it showed that they were now fully depending on him and using his means to sustain themselves. Daniel did not want to give full authority to Nebuchadnezzar and his Kingdom. Daniel knew that his God would sustain him for everything he needed.
    Daniel made a proposal to eat only vegetables and drink only water. The people in the kingdom probably thought he was crazy for not eating the King’s food, and were certain that by the end of this they would surley be weaker than the rest and get in trouble. But Daniel was willing to risk it since knew how powerful and faithful his God was. At the end of the training period, the boys were “fatter of flesh” and much heathier than those that ate the King’s food. It just goes to show that in life we can put our full faith and life in God’s hands. He WILL sustain us through any trial we may go through. God can do far more than we could ever imagine.
    Now I do not think that anything was wrong with the King’s food, but I think Daniel wanted to make it a point that His God is mighty and powerful, and can sustain even the craziest of ideas.

  7. Considering pork and horse was a no no for the G-D’s chosen people,there was a problem seeing it was worshiped to stone idols.Daniel knew his G-D better than us.And when G-d says don’t eat this or do that, he means for us to obey him, just as Joshua did when G-D told him to kill all the men, women, children and animals, he did as he was told, he obeyed.he didn’t question his G-D, we shouldn’t either. Have a blessed day.

  8. What reasons might have motivated Daniel to make this choice?

  9. Interestingly I saw a parallel with Genesis 1:17 ‘but of the Tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die’,

  10. Thank you for this post. I was giving thought to this passage today and found your article. After reading it and others comments, here are some of my thoughts after studying the original language. I like to use the interlinear for this.

    The key focus seems to be the king’s “delicacies” (bə·p̄aṯ·baḡ). KJV translates it as “meat” so maybe along the lines of meat delicacies? I think Daniel might be basically saying, “let’s eat the humble common peasant food”. A couple other verses similar in spirit: “Don’t incline my heart to any evil thing, to practice deeds of wickedness with men who work iniquity. Don’t let me eat of their delicacies.” Psalms 141:4, and “Have no desire for his delicate food, for it is the bread of deceit.” Proverbs 23:3

    Perhaps the meat delicacies included exotic foods that only the King would have access to and common people wouldn’t?

    Other foods the King might have also enjoyed, such as sweet foods like breads and pastries, don’t offer much nutritional value. Sugary foods contribute to ill health and is a big problem in today’s high sugar diets, which are contributors we know to cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Not sure if this was a big problem in ancient Babylon, but they were known to have pastries.

    The common “peasant” food would have had higher nutritional value and also could be quite tasty, like various vegetable stews, which were also common during ancient Babylon apparently. Combined with some simple herbs, spices and olive oil it would be a very satisfying nutritious meal. These would be staples in the diet. The middle east is known today for its many delicious vegetable dishes combined with coriander, mint, chives, onions and garlic, stews and sauces which are simple and tasty. Maybe some simple pomegranate and figs for desert?

    The King’s delicacies might have been exotic and strange meats and foods that were not allowed under Jewish diet such as certain shellfish or other meats, maybe also sacrificed to their gods, and who knows what would have been in the stew served to them. Better to just stick with what you knew were the ingredients or make your own stew. Also, the wine might have been associated with the “kinkiness” of Babylonian customs as they were known to have “steamy” dinner parties associated with temple prostitution and idolatry that most likely involved inebriation.

    The book of Revelations admonishes us to “come out of Babylon my people so that you don’t partake in her sins and in her plagues”. Maybe this is a good lesson to get back to humble foods? Modern processed and “fast food” is killing people. I like the book Nourishing Traditions, for example. It has many excellent traditional recipes. It has helped my own health and I’ve become a much better cook!

    • At that time a diet of vegetables and water would have been viewed as nutritional suicide which explains why the chief official is worried for his life because he thinks a diet of vegetables and water would be detrimental to their health.
      Could Daniel’s refusal to eat food from the kings table and opt for a diet of vegetables instead be a simple way of drawing a line in the sand that said if he is healthy after the 10 day trial then it could only be explained by Yahweh.
      The text says they looked healthier and better nourished than any of the young men who ate the royal food – they are clearly surprised by this as nobody would have expected it or been able to explain it.

      • If Daniel’s refusal to eat the royal food was based on it having been offered to idols / Babylonian gods, then wouldn’t the vegetables requested by Daniel also have been offered to those same idols. Just a thought.


  12. Actually it’s simple. The Kings food (choice fare) was blessed by false gods and slaughtered at false god alters. And the fact that they were cooked tied with the entrails of humans made this so unclean and evil that it could not be consumed by God’s people or they would be unclean in his eyes. The veggies were the cleanest, purest thing they could eat.

  13. Chapter 10 refers to a different occasion when Daniel fasted from meat and wine for a season, and explicitly relates it to mourning. It’s not conclusive evidence that the reason in chapter 1 was also mourning (possibly for the fall of Jerusalem), but surely it’s worth a mention?

    • Sure, that is also a possibility. Chapter one says Daniel thought the food would defile him, implying something was wrong with the food. Does eating while mourning cause defilement?

      Thanks for a perceptive comment!

  14. The explanation and replies are surely great and cool, but I would say that there is need for us to understand divine prompting in our hearts and make decisions by it, to me this is what Daniel did, he understood what God had in mind at that moment and he made his decision in alignment to God.

    Note that the scriptures didn’t record that the other three friends purposed in their heart they only followed Daniel’s decision.

    Also seeing Esther (Esther 2) there was need at that time for Esther to agree and confer to what Hegai said. So we must be sure to have a decisive heart to what God is saying per time, apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 6:12, 10:23 showed us that it’s not only to think of good or bad, but to do the bidding of God at the moment.

    To us as believer now we need a decisive heart based on divine leading and prompting to say no where needed and yes as at the appointed time.

    May God help us all.

  15. Daniel refused to eat the King’s “prescribed” food but ate his own menu, but he ate the food from the Kings Palace bcoz the vegetables and water was from the Kings Palace. The vagetables belonged to the Kings Palace so Daniel ate the Kings food but refused to eat the food the king had prescribed them to eat. So Daniel was dependent on the King bcoz the vegetables and water was from the Kings Palace but was not dependant on the Kings prescribed food which other guys ate. Why vegetable and water?

  16. Praise Yahuah Elohaynu bshem Yahusha Ha’Mashyach, HalleluYah Amein. I humbly submit the assessment for meat sacrificed to idols and the selection of Torahless meats too.

    It is written for our admonition too in Proverbs 23.

    WHEN you sit to eat with a ruler, consider diligently what is before you: And put a knife to your throat, if you be a man given to appetite. Be not desirous of his dainties: for they are deceitful meat. MISHLEI (PROVERBS) 23:1-3 את CEPHER

  17. It’s also significant to me that since Daniel prophesies of Christ’s coming kingdom in chapters 2 and 7,
    and since Romans 14:17 says “the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, joy
    and peace in the Holy Spirit,” that perhaps Daniel is signaling what will be important in the “kingdom
    that will never be destroyed.”

  18. Daniel refused to eat the King’s food because it could be because of the Nation of Isreal law; he knew that if he ate the King’s food, he would again follow the law. There are a lot of possibilities of why Daniel and his three friends took refuge. Many of the King thought his food was the best because it was expensive meat and wine expensive things, which is the way he prepared them to eat his menu instead of letting them choose their food.

  19. Daniel refused to eat the king’s assigned food for a few reasons. These reasons all boil down to finding favor from the Lord and not the king. Daniel and the other Israelites with him are committed to serving God above any duty that is asked of them from Babylon, even what they eat. By doing this they find favor from the Lord and are granted their request from the king. They do not get punished for not eating the assigned food but are proven true in not eating what the king assigned after the ten days. Daniel and others were healthier from not eating the meat and eating the vegetables and water. “At the end of ten days it was seen that they were better in appearance and fatter in flesh than all the youths who ate the king’s food. So, the steward took away their food and the wine they were to drink and gave them vegetables” (Daniel 1: 15-16 ESV). This was also a testament to maintain the life they came from and not abandon the law and tradition of Israel. Daniel also understands that he must not be reliant on the king, he must be reliant on God and His provision. The denying of the food is a clear message to the king regarding where the commitment of Daniel is. There is no confusion throughout the book of Daniel regarding the loyalty of the Jews in Babylon. The loyalty takes them to a fiery furnace and a lion’s den. There is a clear example set regarding the loyalty and fear that the Israelites in Babylon have for God.

  20. Esther had to hide her heritage in order to save her entire (race) of people. Had it not been for her hiding who she was and being able to sneak into the king’s palace he (the king) would have killed off all of her people. She and her uncle knew this and they asked for forgiveness before the act was committed. But, they also knew that they served a forgiving God and a God that honored their faith.

  21. I had thought that Daniel’s reason for the refusal of the king’s food was because of Jewish food laws, but I never realized that it could also be so much more than that as well. The second explanation being that they were not allowed to eat food that could have been sacrificed to idols/false gods also makes sense to me. I find it fascinating that Daniel’s refusal could have been on the grounds of not wanting to associate himself and/or be reliant on the king. It is almost as if he didn’t want to seem like he was under slavery to the king or dependent on him. God finds favor with these young men’s commitment to honor Him and He preserves them. This is another example of God upholding His people, even amid hardship.
    As Longman (2022) says in his third point in part one of his book How to Read Daniel, a main theme of the book of Daniel is that God is an ever-present help and is in control, even when everything is seemingly falling apart in the story of these young men. More than that, He would be the victorious King at the end of the story to redeem His people from bondage (ultimate freedom for His people being found through Jesus Christ).
    Many themes in this story apply to us today, but I want to focus on the fact that just as God honored the young men in their pursuit of Him in Daniel, so does He do that to Christians today. This biggest honor that God bestows upon us is the right to become His sons and daughters if we simply believe in Him (John 1:12). When thinking about how Daniel honored God with his food habits, I think of the words of 1 Corinthians 10:31 where we are instructed to honor God, no matter what we do, but the verse specifically mentions eating and drinking. Everything we do should be to the glory of the Lord. Following God (then and now) requires sacrifice on our part, and it can often be quite scary. God had already won the battle for His people in this story, and as Christians, we also know that He won the battle for us through the finished work of Christ on the cross. Just as God honored Daniel and his friends for their obedience, God will also honor us for ours today.

  22. The choice in Daniel not eating the kings food all boils down to a deeper meaning behind the food. One like you stated in the reading, food is a big part of community, inviting someone in your house to eat is ways of displaying some type of friendship or bond/trust. secondly I believe that Daniel knew the food was not kosher like the reading said that Babylonian’s were known to have ate of pig and horse which is going against Jewish culture. Lastly I truly believed that Daniel denied the food mainly to show his trust in God, Daniel could of very well ate the food and being okay, but I think Daniel wanted to prove a point that he is strong in God/commit and is not dependent on the king for anything and wont take a chance of eating anything that is used to sacrifice to another god.

  23. There are a lot of potential reasons for Daniel’s refusal to eat from the King’s table, yet no especially specific reasons are directly found in scripture. I’m not sure how much I believe it is entirely based in the food choices themselves; while it is true that the Babylonians ate pig and horse, it seems unlikely that those meats would have composed their entire diet, especially not in the royal court. It’s possible that the other foods could have been prepared using the fat or other entrails of those animals, but this doesn’t really make sense to me because when Daniel requests a new diet, he does not specify that the vegetables must be cooked or prepared a specific way without those ingredients. I also am not entirely convinced that it was due to the food having been sacrificed on the altars of or offered to the Babylonian idols, though this is just because it doesn’t say it outright in scripture.

    The idea that they refused so they would not be reliant on or associated with the King has merit, as we see elsewhere in scripture that the act of eating with someone is essentially an endorsement of or alliance with them. However it raises some questions about the logic of that reasoning. One, the plant-based fare would still be provided by the King. If the King is supplying their food, then they are still reliant on him for their sustenance. Two, these were foods that the court had already (because it is unlikely that the servants would provide any uncommon food to slaves), meaning that they were probably a regular part of their meals. I feel that this would still, in a way, be eating from the King’s table, because it is, again, provided by the court, but also because it is the same food the King would be eating, if not his entire diet.

    The reason for Daniel’s refusal that makes the most sense to me is that it allows Daniel and his friends a small amount of control over the life the King gives them. Because Daniel and the others were faithful to God, that amount of control could be considered to be a sort of extension or picture of God’s ultimate sovereign control over anything that happens to them. It would have been a subtle way for them to honor God, live according to His law, and show His power and glory to the Babylonians.

  24. Daniel 1:8-16 is an interesting piece of Scripture because it does not give a firm answer on the question offered and thus the reason for this post. It also for me is a piece of scripture that shows the importance of looking at the context surrounding the scripture. One needs to carefully examine what is happening around the passages being investigated and that is exactly what is needed to understand the refusal of the king’s food. There are many speculations on the reasoning for Daniel and his refusal of the Kings food. For me the first and second reasons are one in the same. Both are saying that they reason for the refusal of the Kings food is that the Jewish law forbids them to partake. This of course coming from the Leviticus where it speaks of about not eating certain animals and not to eat animals sacrificed to another God (Leviticus 11, Romans 14-15). All very good reasonings but as mentioned in your post, not ones that are completely convincing. Looking at the third reason for the refusal of food from the King does the best job of this idea of looking at the context. They make the decision to refuse the food based on the fact they do not want to rely on the King but on God alone. The part that I find to be most interesting is the wording used of he resolved himself to not eat the food. He strictly says no to the orders of the King and chooses God. This part is a great piece for us today as we face a country that is increasing becoming less Christian and less accepting of our values. Like Daniel we need to hold fast to the God we serve and not be shaken by the demands of the rulers above us. Daniel respectfully refused (class notes, 2024) and therefore gives us another example for today. There is a way to obey the Lord but also still respect those who are in power above us.

  25. There are a few possible reasons that I can see why Daniel refused to eat the King’s food. The most important reason is that Daniel was showing how strong his faith was to God by refusing to eat the King’s food. Daniel is proving himself that he is solely relying on the Lord and not anybody else. Secondly, the food may have been forbidden or may have not been properly prepared which can be found within Leviticus 11. Daniel did not want to consume any food that may have been sacrificed to a false idol or god. In conclusion, there was nothing physically wrong with the King’s food, Daniel was staying strong in his faith and being obedient to the word of the Lord by refusing to eat the food.

  26. Daniel 1:8-16 is a very interesting and powerful part of the book of Daniel. This passage truly shows Daniel’s commitment to God has been throughout. It wasn’t only when he was in the Lions’ den but when Daniel didn’t need God he chose God. He chooses obedience and sacrifice over the easy route. It is very interesting why the reason he didn’t eat the food was left out. It’s not important to the story when you are reading it for theme purposes, but looking at it from a Biblical interpretative perspective it becomes important. I think that it easily could have been a combination of all of the things that you mentioned. I would very much agree that just seeing the stories that surround this one that Daniel wanted to show his dependence on God is enough. When you read the stories around this one Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego all constantly proved to King Nebuchadnezzar that God is sufficient. It separated them from everyone else and it later turned Nebuchadnezzar to God because they showed such great faith in God. It was also super cool reading all of the stories of Daniel and the other three that God fulfilled their prayer every time that they needed him. It can be discouraging sometimes watching people who are devoted to Christ not get their prayer answered, but when I read these stories it showed to me that God is more than willing to come in on your behalf even in the craziest and the most outlandish situations. It was so cool to read about all of them prospering so well after choosing obedience and staying pure in the sight of God.

  27. There are many reasons for Daniel to refuse to eat the food of the king. The Bible wasn’t really up front on the reason why Daniel refused to eat the food. As we talked about in class, one reason could be that the food that the king ate was sacrificed to the gods for that was the common thing to do. Another reason could be that Daniel could have made a Nazarite vow; it also could have the been the fact that the food was against the dietary laws that the Jews followed. In the article and in the class we talked about was that because in his God-given wisdom realized that by giving in to the king would be giving loyalty to the king. The Bible never gave the reason that Daniel gave but in my mind it was possibly a combination of those reasons listed above. All I know that whatever the reason the Bible clearly states that God favored Daniel and his friends and allowed them thrieve on water and vegtables even to the point that the four men came out on top of the training group.

  28. This is something that I never really put that much thought into was the King’s food. I feel like it was always a short story about the respect Daniel had for God and that was that but I have found that it is definitely not as cut dry as I had assumed. One of the most used reasons was that it was not Kosher but as we can see all around us in today’s world that food is a massive part of our cultures and personal importance. Food is not only to nourish us but It is also a way to show love, share joy, and create meaningful memories. Food has become an integral part of our lives, and it is important to recognize that it has a powerful impact on our relationships, culture, and faith. So when Daniel was brought into Babylon he was following his culture and loyalty to God instead of serving the false gods that were presented with these foods as an offering. Daniel 1:17 “As for these four youths, God gave them learning and skill in all literature and wisdom, and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.” This shows that God blessed Daniel and friends so that they would be held in a higher regard. Daniel also never refused the new names or training but he kept his body separate from all of the beliefs and culture that he was now in. This has impacted my thoughts as we as Christians are living in a land that is not meant for how we are supposed to live within God’s perfect plan for us. This perspective showed me that there are parts of the culture that I have to stand my ground on and some that I can’t hold others to because they are not following God’s plans. Daniel was able to remain true to his faith despite the culture he was in. This reminded me to stay true to my faith no matter what I am facing.

  29. Food in scripture is very symbolic. It’s often used metaphorically to point to spiritual actions or teachings. ie: Eve eating fruit from the forbidden tree. One way of looking at the Jewish Food laws is through the lens of them symbolically representing righteous or sinful actions and also teachings. (EG: Exodus 16:3 The flesh pots of Egypt). We see this clearly in the NT when Jesus comes and uses food in parables as a spiritual symbol. When he cautions his disciples to beware the yeast of the Pharisees and they don’t understand the symbology, he chastises them saying – “How is it that you do not understand I was not talking about bread”. When food is mentioned in the OT – often it isn’t really talking about physical food.

    Its important when reading this passage in Daniel we understand this – and also to understand why the use of that Syrian loan word ‘path-bag’ taken from the local language of the exile is so significant. Mostly because of the Hebrew word it replaces and how this would stand out to a Hebrew reader. Imagine if you were talking about food to another English speaker and you speak entirely in english but suddenly interject a foreign word from a land you have been sent into exile to describe it. That’s meant to stand out as weird and point to the fact that the quote “food” they are being offered has a different “quality” or “origin”.

    The word typically used to describe a food delicacy in the Hebrew old testament is ….. Eden. As in the Garden of Eden. The word Eden literally means: Delicacy/Delight/Rich Food/Pleasure. It is most often used in OT scripture to describe good food and sometimes other luxuries or blessings – but this is often obscured to English readers as the bible usually translates Eden into English as delicacy (Eden is only normally untranslated when its refering to the garden in Genesis). Even the first time it is mentioned in Genesis 2:8 it describes a garden that produces “good food”. The connection is clear and obvious and is meant to be connected to the Temple\Jerusalem and work and worship of YHWH which provides the good food.

    Genesis 2:8 “The LORD God planted a garden in Eden (Delight/Delicacy), in the east, and placed there the man whom he had formed. Out of the ground the LORD God made grow every tree that was delightful to look at and good for food. ”

    Daniel also references from Jeremiah extensively – as he is the prophet who prophesized the Babylonian exile Daniel now finds himself in. In Jeremiah 51:34 It states King Nebuchadnezzar has “Devoured our delights” in Hebrew text this literally says he has – “Devoured our Eden”. As we know King Nebuchadnezzar Beseiged Jerusalem – destroyed the temple of Solomon and carried the articles of the temple off to Babylon. “Eden” – the delightful food – is directly connected with the Temple and the work and teachings of their God YHWH.

    Jeremiah: 51:34 Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon has devoured us, he has thrown us into confusion, he has made us an empty jar. Like a serpent he has swallowed us and filled his stomach with our delicacies. (In Hebrew literally – Filled his stomach with our Eden)

    Jeremiah sets up Babylon as the devourer of Eden. Israels delight. The destroyer of the temple. Daniel picks up from Jeremiah and sets himself up as the righteous man of God who will work to restore Eden. Refusing to bend to the influence and teaching of corrupt Babylon and eat the “foreign delights” of the pagan king who worships other gods. This points to them staying true to the teachings of YHWH and is also connected to the tests and trials he and Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah would endure. Refusing to bow to the idol, continuing to pray to YWHW even when threatened with death etc etc.

  30. I’ve been researching this story because it’s fascinating to me that they outperformed on vegetables over meats. There isn’t too much detail on their exact diets but from our current understanding of food and science, the meat diet would have more nutrient density and be more suitable for weight gain, muscle, strength, etc.

    Is this a time when the Lord supernaturally intervenes or was there certain components of the diets not explained (or interpreted wrong) that made all the difference?
    I know soil would’ve been more mineral dense back then…
    I’m in school for functional medicine nutrition so I’m just really curious about it. lol

    I’ll keep looking but if anyone has theories or different translations that paint a different picture I’d love to hear them!

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