Philippians 1:10 – Pure and Blameless for the Day of Christ

I want to make one last comment on the opening prayer in Philippians 1. Paul prays in these opening verses that the church at Philippi about in love. The goal of “abounding in love” is eschatological. If the church abounds in love all the more, on the day of Christ they will be found pure and blameless, filled with fruit of righteousness. The “day of Christ” looks forward to the believer’s ultimate vindication at the judgment seat of Christ (1 Cor 3:10-15).

But pure and blameless are not the usual way of describing purity in an eschatological sense. First, “pure” (εἰλικρινής) has to do with one’s conscience (Acts 24:16, Paul has a clear conscience), perhaps sincerity (2 Peter 3:1) concerning his motives for preaching the Gospel. In the context of discerning what is right in verse 10, if one who is in Christ is abounding in love, they will be able to discern what is excellent and not offend their own conscience. By discerning the excellent, the believer is found pure on the Day of Christ.

Offended1Second, blameless (ἀπρόσκοπος) concerns offending someone. In English is sounds like Paul is saying the believer will stand before Jesus without any blame – but this is true because the person is “in Christ.” This word, however, concerns our giving offense to other people. Related words (προσκοπή, προσκόπτω) have the sense of stumbling, or causing someone to stumble (“a stumbling block”).  In Sirach 31:17 the word is used in the context of having good table manners (“do not chew greedily, or you will give offense”). “Blameless” (ἀπρόσκοπος) is used in 1 Cor 10:32; Paul does not want the church to give an offense to either Jews or Gentiles by what they eat or drink.  Again, in the context of discerning what is excellent, it is possible the believer must give up some practice deemed offensive by a culture. In a Jewish context, a Gentile could eat food that is simply offensive even though their conscience is clear.

Perhaps the first word refers to offending one’s own conscience; the second refers to offending another person’s conscience.  If the believer is “abounding all the more in love,” then they will realize when a particular behavior violates their own conscience or causes another person to be offended and sin themselves. This is an incredibly fine line to walk, since it requires one to think about their behavior as well as how that behavior affects other people.

The believer will have “fruit” on that Day. “Fruit” is a regular metaphor for the Christian life. In Gal 5:22-23 Paul describes the goal of the Christian life as bearing the “fruit of the Spirit” as opposed to the deeds of the flesh. As “in Christ people” we bear naturally fruit. The quality of the fruit is the subject of the judgment, not the presence of the fruit.

The source of the believer’s “fruit of righteousness” is Jesus Christ. It is not the fruit which they have produced themselves, but rather the fruit Jesus has borne in them. This is a simple observation, but it is not often made. Christians have always had a sense that they ought to be working very hard to do good deeds in order please God lest they be punished like a bad child. While I am always in favor of people being nice to one another and behaving ethically, the “fruit of righteousness” Paul describes here is the natural result of Christ working through the believer. It is not what we produce through our effort or skill, but what Christ produces through us.

Paul concludes this opening prayer by giving God all the glory and praise. His goal is not to increase his own power or reputation, but to fully glorify God.

How then can Christians be blameless in contemporary culture?

6 thoughts on “Philippians 1:10 – Pure and Blameless for the Day of Christ

  1. “This is an incredibly fine line to walk, since it requires one to think about their behavior as well as how that behavior affects other people”.

    Paul gives a call for us to do the humanly impossible–act according to our own conscience without offending anyone. As believers, we are called to do so with a hope our intentions will be received with the same love and grace which prompts our actions. Too often we try to control the situation (and perception) and in doing so fail to let God be glorified through the results–positive or otherwise. A great reminder to re-evaluate personal behavior according to Gospel standards. More often my energy is spent validating my own conscience and behavior in light of what is acceptable, instead of what is excellent. Thank you for the post.

  2. A matter that Paul had to deal with during the time of his ministry was ensuring that the people of Philippi had a pure mind and heart centered around Jesus Christ. However, as stated in Philippians 1:10, “so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ” (NIV). It is transparent that Paul is making the case the people should think for themselves, with the hope that their thinking is centered around the Lord. At the same time, the message by Paul is a clear indication that a pure heart starts and ends with someone having their life centered around God. But Longenecker asserts, “Indeed, Paul longs for ‘God’s holy people in Christ Jesus at Philippi” (Longenecker & Still, 2014, p. 202). In other words, Paul wants the people of Philippi to understand how to actively live out and apply their faith on a daily basis. Ultimately, the foundational value is important in the beginning of the letter as it spreads to 2:20, where he wants them to not let their own interest get in the way of knowing the Lord. At the end of the day, altering one’s focus is the only way to live in a culture that values materialism and individualism.

  3. First, reading this verse, I will admit that I pure and blameless both pertained to ourselves. Now reading this blog and the ESVSB notes, I see the difference. Pure is related to ones conscience being found solely on Jesus’ making their mind pure in God’s eyes as a result. Blameless, on the other hand, connects to “causing someone to stumble” (Long), doing not what would cause your neighbor to fall into sin.

    This does not imply instant spiritual perfection, just because you are in Christ does not mean you do not fall. Rather “it means an increasing likeness to Christ” (ESVSB, p. 1579), which is found in these fruits of righteousness. The fruit comes “through Jesus Christ, it will result in the glory and paise of God” (p. 1759). Paul’s prayer to the church of Philippi is that they will do everything to advance the glory and praise of God. They will dwell in Christ and now how to abstain for sin and pick up those who do fall into the way of the wicked. “He reminds his “beloved” in Philippi of the coming day of Christ (1:6, 10) and of their heavenly, not earthly, citizenship (1:27; 3:20; 4:3)” (Longenecker, p. 203).

    This earth is wicked and fallen and the only way to prepare for the heavenly earth before them is to have Faith in Jesus Christ. That Faith will make them “pure” and “blameless” in the eyes of the Lord. They will become more like Christ on Earth so that they may have heavenly citizenship when the coming day of Christ is upon them.

  4. In this blog we are challenged with what it means to be pure and blameless. We read that this is a result of the work of Christ in one’s life. Pure and blameless does not result from one’s own standard and will, but the will of God. Once you are adopted into the family of God and the Lord is working in your life, there begins to be a change in motive. This change in heart is what starts the path to becoming pure and blameless. Paul is challenging us to be aware of our heart in spreading the gospel. We need to be aware of Gods will is for us. We are to be made more like Christ. Jesus is the ultimate example of pure and blameless. This was shown by His motives and sacrifice. In our world today we see so much corruption and pressure to conform. Although the pressure may be difficult this does not change what we are called to do. Christians are called to be set apart from this world. As Christians we must be allowing the Lord to work in our lives and sanctify us. Our pureness and blamelessness will count for nothing if done for our own glory. In a contemporary world we must be submitting constantly to the will of our Lord. Through this submission the Lord will be working and there will be visible fruit in our lives. This fruit shows the work that the Lord is doing through us, making us pure and blameless. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law” (Galatians 5:22-23 ESV).

  5. Christians can strive for blamelessness by upholding the core tenets of their faith. This includes unwavering faith in God, continuous prayer, and a deep understanding of the scriptures. By immersing oneself in the teachings of Jesus Christ, Christians can gain the wisdom and strength needed to navigate the complexities of contemporary culture. Cultivating a strong sense of community within the church is also super vital. Through fellowship with fellow believers, Christians can support and encourage one another in their faith journey. Sharing experiences, struggles, and triumphs within a supportive community can provide the necessary accountability and guidance to remain blameless in the face of societal pressures. Christians can be blameless by embodying the values of love, compassion, and forgiveness. In a culture often marked by division and hostility, demonstrating unconditional love and understanding towards others can set Christians apart. By extending a hand of friendship to those who are different or hold opposing views, Christians can foster dialogue and promote unity, reflecting the teachings of Jesus Christ

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