A Salvation Kept in Heaven – 1 Peter 1:5

Having described our salvation as secure by its very nature, Peter goes on to describe our salvation as “has been kept in heaven” and guarded by the power of God.  A second reason our great salvation is secure is that we are not guarding it, God the Father himself is keeping it for us.

1 PeterThe Greek syntax is important here, the verb is a perfect passive participle (φρουρουμένους, from φρουρέω). Our inheritance has already been kept (the perfect) and it is not kept by us, but for us (the passive). The believer is not responsible for keep their salvation, or maintaining their salvation. It is an expectation that will be realized at some point in the future.

Ultimately that salvation will not be fully revealed until the “last time.” While we might here “when we get to heaven” in this statement, Peter has in mind the return of Jesus, the ultimate vindication of Jesus as the Lord of this world.  We tend to think something like, “since Jesus died for me, I get to go to heaven,” which of course is true. But Peter’s Jewish theology and world view emphasized the return of Jesus to render justice and establish his kingdom more completely.  As we will see in the rest of this letter, Peter believes that Jesus is going to return very soon and that believers live in the gap between the first and second coming of the Messiah.

Taken along with 1 Peter 1:4, we can be certain our salvation is secure because it is based on the death and resurrection of Jesus, by its very nature it cannot decay, and it is being kept by God himself in heaven.

If this is the case, what should Christians think about their “present suffering”? Peter argues that since our salvation is so certain, the trials of this life are occasions for praise (vv. 6-7).  The believer can rejoice in their “fiery trials” because they know that their inheritance is secured.  The belief that Jesus is Lord and that he is returning to render judgment on the world in the future runs counter to the prevailing belief that Rome is all-powerful and renders justice and that Caesar himself is the ultimate Lord.

In the territories mentioned in 1 Peter 1:1, Rome was venerated in imperial religious activity that could not be separated from civic life. If one was going be successful in the Roman world of the late first century, then Rome must be recognized as sovereign over this world.  This world view would naturally bring Christians into conflict with local authorities.  Why do Christians avoid participating in civic events that are dedicated to gods, or even to Rome itself?

It is difficult for contemporary (American) Christians to fully understand this because America attempts to completely separate “church and state.” What we do in church has nothing to do with our loyalty as Americans, and we do not really see our loyalty to America as something that conflicts with our faith in Jesus Christ. But that was just not the case in first century Rome, nor is it the case in many countries today.

Is it possible to be a loyal Christian and participate fully in civic life in China? Or the Middle East? Or many countries in Africa? How can Peter’s assertion that our inheritance is kept for us in Heaven encourage Christians wo are indeed suffering greatly for their faith?


26 thoughts on “A Salvation Kept in Heaven – 1 Peter 1:5

  1. It’s made clear in 1 Peter 1:5 that our salvation is made secure via the shielding of our faith from God. Thus, no matter what tribulation or trial that we endure, our souls are eternally secure in God our creator. And in light of many of the religious battles being fought throughout the world, it’s important that we keep in mind that many Christians are, in fact, having to live under intense persecution for their faith. Although in America it can seem as if we are persecuted at times, I believe it is nowhere near the intensity as those Christians living in the far off countries of China, Russia, Africa, etc. But the Bible encourages those within their trials. 1 Peter 1:5 speaks of a literal shield of God’s power guarding us during these times and securing our souls regardless of death. But regardless of our doings, it is by God’s grace that we are saved. This is great news because it foretells of the crazy power in which Jesus bestowed upon the cross and the intensity of his death. Thus, we as believers being persecuted throughout the world can take heart not in what we do or don’t do but by what Christ already did (1 Pet. 1:4). This, in turn will cause us to live our lives with a courage to live, breathe, and die for Christ.

  2. I don’t know what the “civil life” of China is but I fully believe that it is the responsibility of a Christian to integrate their faith in every aspect of life. It is our responsibility to live our lives in a way that people can see we’re Christian at all times. I like Luke’s last comment that said we can take heart because what Christ has done will cause us to live our lives with courage to live, breathe, and die for Christ. This means that because of what Christ did, we have the responsibility to live that out in ALL areas of our lives. I think this applies to church and government as well. I don’t think we should compromise our religious convictions in regards to voting or political beliefs. As Christians we are in the world but not of the world, meaning that we should not forego our beliefs simply because we live in a society that says it is ok to do so. The idea that suffering should be joyful is evident also in Philippians. We are able to be joyful because our suffering can promote the gospel of Christ to others.

  3. I like the idea that our salvation is being protected by God. Jesus’ death secured us in a way that the devil cannot take away. We now have a place in heaven and all the devil can do is bring suffering to our lives. But as Romans 8:18 says, “our present sufferings are not worth comparing the glory that will be revealed to us.” I think that our security for our salvation disbands all the impact of evil in the world. However, at some point, I think that we are going to have to choose between our American loyalties and our Christian loyalties. Although America does not seem to contradict any of our beliefs as Christian’s they still uphold to things that we do not follow as Christians such as abortion and gay marriage. We are lucky not to be persecuted for our faith in America but in other places, Christians may have to endure suffering but they can face it because they know it is only temporary and God is eternal.

  4. Now many are fix aided on the idea and knowing of personal salivation and how to get it. They are want to know how to keep it of if it is safe to say it is kept forever by God. This is not what interests me in this, I would like to know what salvation looks like. Not what you say it is but what it actually looks like in the Presence of God and in the physical and spiritual forms. Throughout this book by Peter it speaks towards salvation and that you are saved but not by anything you actually did but by what God has chosen to do for you because of his grace and love. Now, when you have chosen to accept this you are eternally saved by him. That could be anything from believing while you are a live which is important to simply remembering to ask him when you die and go to his place in heaven.
    The aspect of Salvation that interests me is not the specifics on how we come by it or keep it, or even how it is kept for us. But it is what transpires when we obtain salvation in heaven. For we do not have salvation on earth because it is only expressed after our physical death in heaven or the realm in which heaven exists. Is salvation our glorified bodies hanging in a closet in God’s palace?

  5. According to Peter our salvation is kept in Heaven, and as you said in the post above, it is kept there for us by God, who cannot fail. To me this means that once you have secured your faith through the belief that Jesus died and rose again for everyone’s sin, that you are good. We should not be afraid of what happens to us because we know that whatever happens that we have the security that God is holding our place in heaven for us. This may be easy for me to say as an American Christian who hasn’t experienced much to any persecution compared to what people in other countries experience because of their faith in the same God that I believe in, but I believe that the place is still reserved for each of us in the same way.

  6. My first thought when reading this when you mentioned “A second reason our great salvation is secure is that we are not guarding it…” is ‘that is good because some people would loose their head if it was not attached.’ Also in Matthew 6:19-21 talks about how things on earth is temporary while things in heaven is everlasting.
    In relationship to suffering as a time to praise, another view of suffering can come from kind of a psychological viewpoint. When people who are suffering they prefer to be with others who are going through similar issues. This is because those going through similar situations understand better what is going on than someone who does not have the same issue. In Dr. Schregardus’ class, she talked about cancer patients prefer to be around those with cancer or had cancer. This is because they better understand the emotions they are going through. Back to suffering. We could use the suffering we are going through in order to better relate to those who are hurting and those who are without Jesus in order to better witness to them.
    The question you posed was whether we are able to participate in fully in civic life anywhere in the world, to which I have to ask what would be your intentions in participating in them be. If it is to relate to those who do participate in order to grasp a better understanding of their viewpoints so that you can be a better witness to them. I think in that case it would be alright to participate in the civic life. If your intentions are to participate in the life for entertainment or belief then in that case, I would say that is a bad idea. This is because it would be easy to drift away from your faith and get caught up in the civic life rather then the christian life.

  7. I enjoyed the way that you articulated that “the second reason our great salvation is secure is that we are not guarding it, God the Father himself is keeping it for us.” This was a very simple way to describe this concept, and it was a very useful statement. When I think about this concept of living a Christian life regardless of political pressures, I think of Daniel. Daniel, in my opinion, is the poster boy of living in a way that pleases God regardless of social and political pressures. At great personal risk, Daniel continued to pray even when the law dictated that he didn’t (Daniel 6). As impossible as this may seem, this is the way that we are called to live out our faith. With this in mind, I would say that it is possible to live out a genuine Christian faith in places like China, the middle east, and African countries. However, living in this way requires tremendous faith in God, and leads to great personal danger. However, we serve a big God, who is greater than all the governments of the world, and we must have faith like Daniel.

  8. You mentioned in the fifth paragraph that “[t]he believer can rejoice in their “fiery trials” because they know that their inheritance is secured.” I often read fire in different light throughout the Bible depending on the subject being discussed. For example, God is a consuming fire. We know that much to be true (Hebrews 12:29). However, the fire that God personifies can also be read as a purifying fire, making great and perfect those who pass through it. Perhaps the persecution taking place in other counties is a sort of “refiners fire” which God has in place for those people to set the example for us? Maybe these different areas of persecution are a pre-cursor to a show of supreme force yet to come, be that ISIS, or any other terror organization. It is easy to type here and speculate, but another thing entirely to experience. That fire which refines may be exactly what is taking place. Perhaps the magnitude of America’s impact on other countries needs to be changed/adjusted. Maybe our consumerism is getting the best of us, and God wants things to be shaken and stirred up so that we might revert our eyes back to him.

  9. When you ask the question, is it possible to be Christian and fully participate in civil law in China, the middle east, or some other place aside from the U.S I believe the answer is no. Mark 12:17 says that we are to render unto Caeser what is Ceasar’s and what is God’s unto God. It is clear that God does not really care about things like money, unless it is put before Him. So following normal civil duties like taxes and similar laws is not taboo for a Christian. If a Christian was to have an abortion as a civil duty, that is where it crosses the line. So no, we cannot.

    For the second half of your question, the answer is pretty obvious. If you investment is not at stake and is eternally held for you; it is easier for someone to go through persecution. Whereas, if you didn’t have any eternal stuff, what they did to you as persecution would be a lot more devastating. Because that is all you have. Essentially, our fate being locked in heaven is a type of insurance we are given to be able to stand up for God.

  10. I think an important thing to realize when looking at how we view suffering in terms of eternal security is that we are blessed, or in some senses cursed, with a lack of persecution. In the time that Peter was writing, his audience was being driven out of their cities and slain for their beliefs. We in America look at a little mockery as persecution and “suffering” while people in areas of the Middle East and Asia are killed for their faith. I had a Pastor friend I met on a mission trip to Vietnam named Phuong. A year or so after I met him, the Vietnamese government threw him off a moving train and killed him. Simply because he was preaching the Scripture. But in my opinion, it is that persecution and suffering that gives Christians a true solid faith. It is something that many in our culture lack. It is viewed as a minor inconvenience compared to the magnitude that is eternity, like what it says in 1 Peter 1:3-6, that we should rejoice in all that Jesus has done for us despite the “grief you have had to suffer”.

  11. People who are suffering from present trials can take great hope in the salvation that God has saved up for them in heaven. There is nothing that is worth more value than the eternal life that God gave us through Jesus. Verse 7 even says it is of greater worth than gold. Now there are things that are worth more than gold but the point is that this salvation is worth so dang much that the ones who suffer can have hope in it. The paradigm that surrounds salvation and worldly interests is a lot easier to navigate if you have a lot of money in this world and contrarily if you have none or are oppressed in some way. It seems that people who are suffering for their faith or just are suffering in general have a greater aptitude for faith in God.

  12. We are told from a young age that our salvation is protected from the grace of God. Once we accept Christ and our faith is on display, there’s nothing that we come across that we can’t handle. 1 Peter 1:9 makes it clear that we are saved by God salvation and are protected by his love through our faith. Jesus died for our sins and that allowed us to be protected from any circumstances. By the death of Jesus, we have a place in heaven to meet God himself and Jesus one day. The acceptance of our salvation will guide us away from the devil. In our society as American Christians, we are not persecuted in our country for being Christians. We are allowed to speak up and speak out about our faith. As we live longer and come across different situation where we separate ourselves from God, we know that he’s always there looking over us. In other countries, it’s disturbing to read and hear about terrorist groups attacking Christians. I will never know what it feels like to be hated and targeted for my faith, but I know that God will have them in a special place. To be challenged and questioned on being a Christian, then be strike to death for your faith. These people are dying proudly of being a Christian and God will reward them. God showed us how we was supposed to live in his image by creating Jesus. Karen Jobes talks about how Peter uses the metaphor of Jesus as a sacrificial Lamb (Jobes, 317). If you think about it the persecuted Christians from other countries that are being killed for their faith might be the modern time of the sacrificial Lamb. Other Christians from different countries are showing us what it means to be a Christian. It’s not so much about how you show your faith when things are going well. But when times get tough, your action shows how much faith you really have in God.

  13. The hope that salvation is there and will always be there sets my mind at ease. Even more so when i put myself in someone shoes that does not have the freedom to believe in what they please (Such as someone in China). Suffering is a part of life and anyone Christian that has to go through suffering for believing in Christ should have some sense of peace. I really get frustrated when Christians or non-believers even get frustrated with suffering. As they act like if God is so good why would he make me suffer? I really enjoyed Jobes statement wraps up the reading for this week by saying, “However, Peter corrects a popular view that because Jesus suffered, I don’t have to, by explaining that suffering in the life of a Christian is part of one’s calling to follow Christ” (Jobes 337). Holding that idea that Jesus suffered and I will most likely suffer in my lifetime i believe is key. In suffering you should not blame God, rather lean on God and understand there is a reason.

  14. This article brought up a lot of good points and ideas. Personally, I like the question that it asks at the end as it challenges us to think more deeply into the idea of living out our faith. As the questions asked if we would be able to live a loyal Christian life while living in another country would we be able to. As we hear stories from other missionaries and the living culture that they live with every day I think that it would be doable to live in another country, but I think that it would be very difficult especially in the first couple months. But as we read throughout the Bible, we notice that all the missionaries went all over the world to preach and teach. What is so different about it now? I would say it is different because we like to be comfortable. Back then they were comfortable with wherever they were with whatever they were wearing, we don’t like that we like our bed with our clothes and our food. Change is hard and difficult and that is why it has become more of a challenge to go to other countries in my thinking. People like Peter were being persecuted for their faith. They weren’t comfortable and we need to be more like them.

  15. I had reacted to the statement in the blog “the believer is not responsible for keeping their salvation,” which I thought at first, in what terms of responsibility are we speaking about? If God is guarding our salvation and our security in his son Jesus, much of the responsibility would be lay upon the Holy Spirit who guides us, gives us wisdom, understanding and discernment both spiritual and physical realms. I think it’s a major point to evaluate the price of suffering for our secured salvation by rejoicing when trials come our way. I thought the example in Jobes about Peter stepping out the boat by faith to come to Jesus, and then drowning in the dangers of the water, losing sight of Jesus power and his authority, though Jesus Christ still have power of the storm (274), in some way, while our salvation endures suffering, we should not lose sight and meaning to why we have it in the first place. God is still in control and his plan is to bring us in the highest Christ-Conscience awareness and to surpass the trials that surrounds us til the end. Much of the our salvation comes with sharing the testimony of what Christ continue to do in our lives daily and share to others, we should still have some sort of engagement with other people in other parts of the country, with wisdom and discernment through prayer and meditation and the obedience of the instructions of the Holy Spirit, God knows what time, what place, and who to participate in civic life with others, must be approach with cautious that you inner spirit contains the full development of the fruits of the Holy Spirit and spiritual maturity not be overcome by wickedness and evil desires of the world, adversaries and flesh.

  16. I think that in many countries such as China it is possible to be a loyal Christian and participate fully in civic life and duties. However the countries like many in the middle east where they worship different gods as a part of their everyday lives I do not think it is possible to be completely loyal to God and to the nation in which you live. Jesus even talks about it when it comes to paying taxes he talks about giving to the government that which is theirs and giving to God that which is his. I think the same principle is true when obeying the leaders and governments God has placed in our lives. So long as it does not go against our faith in Jesus Christ we can serve in civic duties. We do have hope as believers in Jesus Christ that we are saved through Christ’s blood for us and our faith in him. That means that whatever this life hold whether good or bad that God is on the throne and that when we leave this earth forever we will be with him in paradise.

  17. I believe that it is possible to be loyal and participate in civic duties. I believe it would be more difficult but not impossible to be done. I know that we have examples of this in the Bible and those who are suffering for their faith should continue to be reminded that they are doing the work of the Father. But I also think that those who are able to practice freely in their country should support and be available for those in need. I also think that we are to follow the leaders that are set before us, in church or in the government. God, has placed those people in power or above us for a reason and we should respect that, even if it means there are different viewpoints. I think that it is important that we come to an understanding that God has us in his hand and we are to not worry or fear about our salvation. It is a reminder that we can do good works and be a good person but God does not love us more or less if we do not do good works and that will not get us into heaven. I think that we as a church are worried about getting into heaven, rather then having a relationship with Christ.

  18. I think that it is very hard for American Christians to understand how Christians in other countries are treated. Here in America many people assume the title of Chrisitan without actually following a lifestyle of Chrisitanity. In America many Christians often bend to the ways of American culture, so it is not seen as a threat to the culture of America in general. However, in places like India where religion and the government are very much intertwined Christian people face the risk of being imprisoned or killed because they stand out and pose a threat by having different beliefs. It seems like Christians in places that do not have the idea of separation of the government from religion are often attacked more. Regardless of the depth of persecution and suffering Chrisitans face, we have hope. Peter talks about how Jesus was a suffering servant in 1 Peter 2:21-25 which fulfills the prophecy in Isaiah 53 that Jesus was going to suffer. This helps with both the understanding of why Jesus had to suffer and it is also encouraging to Chrisitans who currently suffer as a result of persecution. Jobes mentions that Peter uses “The suffering and victory of Jesus as the heart of his encouragement for suffering Christians” (Jobes, 2011). Peter also gives the “household codes” which would have gone against the ideology of servants and women being unable to choose for themselves who to worship. By doing this Peter was going against a fundamental system at the heart of the Greek cultural structure. It makes sense that Peter (and Chrisitanity) would have been seen as a threat to the culture, but regardless of why Christians are persecuted we are told that it is “a gracious thing, when mindful of God, one endures sorrows while suffering unjustly” (1 Peter 2:19).

  19. I think that it is very hard for American Christians to understand how Christians in other countries are treated. Here in America many people assume the title of Chrisitan without actually following a lifestyle of Christianity. In America many Christians often bend to the ways of American culture, so it is not seen as a threat to the culture of America in general. However, in places like India where religion and the government are very much intertwined Christian people face the risk of being imprisoned or killed because they stand out and pose a threat by having different beliefs. It seems like Christians in places that do not have the idea of separation of the government from religion are often attacked more. Regardless of the depth of persecution and suffering Christian’s face, we have hope. Peter talks about how Jesus was a suffering servant in 1 Peter 2:21-25 which fulfills the prophecy in Isaiah 53 that Jesus was going to suffer. This helps with both the understanding of why Jesus had to suffer, and it is also encouraging to Christians who currently suffer as a result of persecution. Jobes mentions that Peter uses “The suffering and victory of Jesus as the heart of his encouragement for suffering Christians” (Jobes, 2011). Peter also gives the “household codes” which would have gone against the ideology of servants and women being unable to choose for themselves who to worship. By doing this Peter was going against a fundamental system at the heart of the Greek cultural structure. It makes sense that Peter (and Christianity) would have been seen as a threat to the culture, but regardless of why Christians are persecuted we are told that it is “a gracious thing, when mindful of God, one endures sorrows while suffering unjustly” (1 Peter 2:19).

  20. Our salvation is kept in Heaven. When we took on salvation, God kept it for us. We are not keeping it but He is. Professor Long states: “The believer is not responsible for keep their salvation, or maintaining their salvation. It is an expectation that will be realized at some point in the future.” (Long, 2018) It is important to understand that we will never fully understand our salvation until our “last time”. It is also noted that Peter thinks that Jesus will be coming very soon. Jesus did die on the cross for our sins and he did resurrect from the dead. This does secure our salvation but it is God, himself, that fully holds that. I do think that it is possible to be a loyal Christian and to participate fully in civic life in China. I believe that it is possible in any state or country. It may be more challenging in different places, but it is possible. People who suffer in their faith must remember that the works they are performing are for God. We must remain true and honest to our faith in God and we cannot go against this. Once one goes against their faith is when they cannot do our civic duties that pertained to that. It is important to realize also that we are saved through Christ no matter what suffering you may be going through. This is what should spark people and make them want to keep chasing God no matter what is happening in their life. It is when we suffer when we need God the most. Our suffering should make us rely more on God and what he has instore for us. It is crucial to remember that once we return to Him, there will be no suffering. God is in control and has a plan for every single one of us. Heaven is our destination. God has Heaven for us to go without any suffering. It gives us hope in the good and bad times that He will take care of us along as we believe and remain holy.

  21. Since we as Americans have a hard time understanding the significance of suffering for our faith, because of our societies strong emphasis on the distinction between church and state, we find it difficult to appreciate the encouragement of our “salvation being kept in heaven” (1:5). In the ancient world, as well as for a lot of other parts of the world today, the separation is not as strong. With this, when a culture doesn’t feel to fondly of Christianity the suffering that is experienced for their faith can cause one to doubt, or think that God is not present where they are at. What I find to be an encouragement, and what 1 Peter 1:4 tells us, that due to Christ’s own suffering on the cross, ours and our fellow brothers & sisters in Christs suffering is not in vein. We can have assurance that our salvation is secure in heaven by God for us. We can know that no matter what we face, what trials may occur, or doubt that begins to creep in, the salvation we have is solidified by Christs own suffering on the cross. In his suffering, he is made perfect (Her. 2:8-9), and in our suffering he still is made perfect (2 Corinthians 12:9). So, when suffering is faced in life we can have confidence that our faith is not only secure, but that we have a God who can sympathize with us in suffering (Heb. 4:15).

  22. Exodus 20:3-5 says thou shalt have no other Gods before me. It is made very clear that not only should God be your sole focus, but that nothing should be before God. Thou shalt have no other Gods, doesn’t just mean the literally sense gods, but refers to what you worship or spend giving yourself too. This can be anything from people, money, career, entertainment, and many aspects of life. Knowing that civic life in China, Africa, Middle East is very anti-Christian, then it’s safe to assume that participating in that lifestyle is not being a loyal Christian. But it doesn’t just apply to places like China, Middle East or Africa, but even places like the US are becoming more and more hostile to Christian, and the civic life is father and farther away from being a loyal Christian. I think it’s important to know why our salvation is secured, because it can help those who are suffering know without a doubt that they can place their trust and be comforted by the fact that their salvation is insured. God is holy so he is separate from sin, and we keep our salvation because our salvation is sin becoming powerless and we can finally be in the presence of God. This life is not what God intended for us, so we can be confident that what is in the next step of Gods plan will be infinitely better than where we are now.

  23. This is often a very difficult thing that many Christians struggle with. Oftentimes we think that we must completely follow the government and show how patriotic we are and other times we feel as if we need to rebel against the government as a whole. I think it is possible to participate in civic life in many different countries without compromising your faith. This definitely looks different around the world for many people, but I believe it can be done. Something I grew up believing was that God does want us to be obedient to those placed in authority over us, but to not participate in acts which go against God’s Word. In 1 Peter 2:17, Peter says that it is the will of God for Christians to obey the government. We also know that as believers we are to not repay evil with evil, but are to turn the other cheek. Oftentimes our response to the evils of the authorities is to attack, whereas we are to stand up for what is right humbly and gently.
    In 1 Peter 1:5, it is said that our inheritance is in heaven and it does not go away. We have been made sure that our faith in Christ and relationship with Him seals our inheritance in heaven. ”The promise of our inheritance is certain because we are kept by the power of God. This enables us to endure through faith until the coming of Jesus” (Enduring Word Bible Commentary, 1 Peter 1). This hope can encourage Christians who are suffering, because it can affirm that what they are doing for the Lord will be worth it. God will reward those who are obedient to Him, but that is not the main reason we should do those things which I’m sure we all know. Though this is an easy trap to fall into, we must not forget that God is worthy of our obedience and praise!
    From the very beginning Christians have been told that we will suffer for our faith. In Matthew 5:11-12 Jesus says, “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” If we are being persecuted for our faith, we are doing something right! We are foreigners and exiles in a strange land (earth) and our eternal home as Christians is in heaven. We will stand out here, therefore, we will experience persecution. “Because of their new birth in Christ, they are children of God, citizens of the kingdom of God, and therefore they have become “foreigners” to the society in which they are living. Peter wants his readers to recognize themselves as having purpose, values, and standards that come from another place, not from Roman society. And that is a truth for all Christians at all times, regardless of where or when they may live” (Jobes, 288).
    One can still live in such a place and be loyal Christians, but they may not participate in all the civic life of their country if it goes against the Word of God. 1 Peter 2:11-12 talks about how as believers you are to still keep in good conduct according to the Word of God, but do so in an honorable way in which non-believers will see it will set a good example to them. We will be rewarded for our perseverance of faith in God. Our reward is waiting for us in heaven. This suffering and perseverance is not for nothing! God sees our sacrifice and devotion to him and it pleases him greatly! It pleases him to keep our inheritance for us!

    “Enduring Word Bible Commentary Hebrews Chapter 4.” Enduring Word, 22 Sept. 2022, enduringword.com/bible-commentary/hebrews-4/.

    Jobes, Karen H. Letters to the Church: A Survey of Hebrews and the General Epistles. Zondervan, 2011.

  24. In this post, Peter is emphasizing the nature of salvation, attributing its preservation to God. The ultimate revelation awaits the “last time”, signifying Jesus’ return for final vindication. 1 Peter 1:4, talks about our salvation’s security being grounded to Jesus’ death and resurrection, making it imperishable. Despite the present suffering, Peter is urging believers to find solace in the certainty of their secured inheritance, which then turns the trials into parise. The context of Rome complicates matters, prevailing a worldview which recognizes Rome’s sovereignty for success. The separation of the church is common in contemporary America. Long delves into Peter’s emphasis on the secure nature of salvation. The distinction between the first century Rome and the contemporary American separation of the church and state. Long also explores the challenges that Christians may face in a diverse global context, connecting to Peter’s encouragement for believers enduring suffering.

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