Planning for the Future – James 4:13-14

James offers one final example of the arrogance of the tongue: making plans for the future and the flippant use of the phrase “if the Lord wills.” Even today, this is quite similar to saying “sure, I will pray for you.” Christians tend to add this to prayers as if we are giving the Lord an option out of responding positively to our prayers (“give so-and-so healing, if it be your will.”)

Who is James addressing in this passage? Are they “international business men” who travel the Empire making profits? If so, the problem is not travel or business, but rather their arrogance that they are building up reliable wealth for the future. The arrogance of some business owners is their assumption they can go anywhere and make a profit without giving a thought to the Lord’s will.

Jewish businessmen traveled throughout the Empire managing all sorts of businesses. In the New Testament, Aquila and Priscilla were tentmakers in Rome who relocated to Corinth and were active in Ephesus as well. In Acts 16, Lydia is a business woman (a seller of purple) from Thyatira now living in Philippi. Even Paul could be considered a travelling business person since he was able to work in the tent trade any city he happened to visit.

In the Second Temple Period, international business “was seen as a way to obtain the fortune needed to purchase the estates on which the “good life” might be lived” (Davids, James, 172). Ralph Martin says “there is also a fairly well documented background about Jewish traveling merchants in the period, among whom the aristocratic Sadducees, who gained part of their wealth by foreign trade and commercial endeavor” (Martin, James, 169). Jewish entrepreneurs were not the only ones to make huge sums of money. Ralph Martin offers the example of Ananias, the High Priest A.D. 47–55. Josephus called him “a great procurer of money” (Josephus, Ant. 20.205).

The problem these business people plan for the future without acknowledging the Lord. There is nothing unusual or sinful about their business plans, but they are made without any reference to God. “We will go, we will spend time, we will trade and we will make a profit.” McKnight points out this is a claim that they control time (today or tomorrow), place (such and such a city), duration (a year or two), and their goals (profits) (McKnight, James, 370).

The problem is not their planning or the making of profits, but rather the arrogance of claiming control of every aspect of their lives without considering God’s hand in their business activity. Proverbs 27:1 warns against boasting about tomorrow; Job 14:1, a person’s life is short and full of trouble. 1 Enoch 97. 8 has a similar warning:

1 Enoch 97.8 Woe unto you who gain silver and gold by unjust means; you will then say, ‘We have grown rich and accumulated goods, we have acquired everything that we have desired.

Even Stoicism warned against the folly of planning for the future: “no one has any right to draw for himself upon the future” (Seneca, Ep. ci. 5).

James is perhaps aware of Jesus’s parables of the rich fools and the dangers of being anxious over the future. In Luke 12:16-21 a rich fool makes plans to expand his business without any account of the Lord’s will and dies without enjoying his wealth. The parable-like story in Luke 16:19-31 describes a foolish rich man and the poor beggar Lazarus. In Matthew 6:34 Jesus says “do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble” and in Matthew 16:26, “For what will it profit a man if he

Although there is nothing wrong with doing business and making a profit, it is dangerous to rely on that wealth since the future is uncertain. But how does the modern, western (especially American) Christian live this ideal out in a culture which is completely inundated with relying on one’s own wealth and savings for the future? Can we really plan wisely for the future yet hold loosely to that plan since we cannot really know what will happen tomorrow?

Can we really avoid planning for the future in order to “let go and let God”? Where is the balance?


38 thoughts on “Planning for the Future – James 4:13-14

  1. I’m going to reply from a business stand-point. Being an international business major, this is tremendously interesting to read and look at. More so because of the fact and statements made about business’ generally going out of their domestic homeland to another country to acquire wealth. While this may be a mindset that some people have, this is something that is overly generalized. In the complex business world today, most business’ indeed go internationally because of which markets are trending and where their business will foster. There is no such thing of going into another country to “just acquire wealth and make as much money as possible”. There is so much more to expanding globally than just the amount of money. Moreover, companies typically want to expand to gain an edge over their competition in another market or create a barrier to entry for existing competitors. While the motive may be to make money, their are other motives in fostering another countries economy, building relations, and providing jobs for those who don’t have the opportunity. Most business’ may not have their core competencies as “Christian” their moral standards are indeed for the good of the economy and the people who live in it. I agree with your statement on “uncertainty”, however, the level uncertainty can also become certain from certain market projections and using formulas to come up with market trends. The reason business’ have uncertainty is because they don’t take the time to look at market trends and where the existing market is going. While being a young Christian in business, it is difficult to balance between the Christian aspect and the business aspect. Holding true to the concepts of the Bible is a necessity, but I don’t have an answer on how to balance the two with God and business.

    • Trent, I think that you make a good point; there is so much more for a business to expand globally. They company’s values, itself, may desire to reach out to foreign countries in order to help them out of poverty or help improve the environment. However, that is not all companies’ goal to provide more jobs, like you stated it could be selfish reasons such as gaining a competitive advantage in order to make more money. I think that the point that was being conveyed in this post though was that those businessmen and women were not necessarily relying on God, they were more so relying on themselves and the money that they made. Luke 16:13 says, “…He will hate the one and love the other, …You cannot serve God and wealth.” I think that there is a balance of making wise decisions so that you are prepared for the future, but also realizing and trusting that God already knows and holds the future (Jeremiah 29:11).

  2. I guess the thing to learn from this all is: “Do not worry about tomorrow.” Planning is fine, with the Lord in mind, but constantly agonizing over it will do no good. This is something The Lord has talked to me about recently. Thank you so much for sharing. Especially insight about making financial plans…we need to really take consideration and think wisely about this. We should not move ahead of God and assume–nor can we be lazy and not make any moves toward making intelligent buisness moves for the future. Thank you again for your words. God bless you.

  3. I think with how the world is today we cannot completely avoid planning for the future. Because in order to live in this world we need to save money for our future so that we can provide for our future families. After reading this post I now know it is dangerous to do this but I think if we still save for our future without entirely thinking about it and being greedy we will be fine. I look at it as saving for our possible future rather than thinking this is what I am going to do with the wealth that time and place. Our future is not promised and God has made that apparent in His Word. James 4:14 states, “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.” This shows our future is not promised and that we are only here for a short while and then we leave. But being prepared for our possible future I do not think is wrong. According to Jobes, “Most people have a very shortsighted view of the future that might extend to living now in a way that will afford a comfortable retirement, but biblical writers want us to see how we live now…related to our afterlife and to choose to live accordingly” (Jobes, 225). From this, I still seeing as saving for our possible future is not bad but it can still decide our afterlife. So, I am still a little conflicted but I am the type of person that wants to save for his possible future.

  4. As a senior in college, I get asked all the time “what are your plans for after graduation?”. Hearing this question constantly can be stressful, as I wrack my brain for an answer. My usual answer is “I don’t know” and then a list of possible options for me- some that interest me and some that aren’t my first choice. After reading this article and reflecting on these conversations, I don’t know that I’ve even once answered the question in a way that even mention God, or his plan for my life. What a waste opportunity to reveal to someone that I trust my entire future to God. “There is probably no greater self-revealing way we can present tousles to the world through what we say”. (Jobes, p.223) Each time someone asks me what I am doing after graduation, I should be taking that opportunity to say “I don’t know, but God does”, hopefully sparking a conversation about my trust in God and his plan. In one of my many meltdowns about the future to my mom, she quotes Philippians 4:6-7 every time. We may not know what the future holds, but we can go to God in prayer for his guidance with full confidence that he does have a plan.

  5. As humans, we like to plan for our future, it is something we like to do, but what we want is totally different from what God wants. I can relate to this because I thought I had my whole life planned out, I thought I was going to get a job working in airport security, and I was going to make a career out of it and God slammed that door in my face and I did not get the job. I feel like when we make plans for our lives there is no way to hold on loosely to them, we tend to grip them so hard where it hurts when they are ripped away from us. The only way we can really “let go and let God” is through praying for every move we want to make in our lives. “For how we live today depends largely on what we believe about the future, for those beliefs shape our priorities and motivations” (Jobes p.225) if we believe God holds our future we are going to shape our life around that and we will be content with letting go of our own wants and giving it up to God.

    • Kayla,
      I agree that as humans it is natural for us to plan our future. I have some similarities in regards to believing that I would end up doing a career and ending up having that change. For example, when I first started college I was an elementary education major and I thought that it was set–that God had that planned out for me. And then year second rolled around and I changed my major to Human Services where I thought it was clear to me that I was meant to do social work, but that changed as well. Now, I am finishing my degree in Human Services and then heading off to nursing school. When I had my life planned out, a plan I had since middle school, I never thought I would end up in the medical field, but plans change and as Christians it is important that we allow change to happen and be content with it.
      To comment on the main posts, it says, “The problem these business people plan for the future without acknowledging the Lord. There is nothing unusual or sinful about their business plans, but they are made without any reference to God.” This caught my eye and I can relate it to my own life and my own way of planning my life. It is fairly easy to say, “this is my plan and I know this is the plan God has for me” without it truly being what God has planned, just what we want His plan to be for us. It is important that any decisions we make for our future is done and decided through extensive prayer and patience. Our plans should always reference God and they should always be intentional and should glorify Him.

  6. For me I see this problem among believers and non-believers. There is a certain amount of stress that comes from worrying all the time about every little single thing that one can control. As humans with a fallen nature we tend to want thee best things and only seem to plan to get those. So at what extent as Christians do we let go? As it is mentioned above these businessmen are not consulting God for anything, but yet expect to have everything. I think the balance is found daily in the word and in the struggle. Our lives as Christians are meant to be guided by the Word and the Spirit. Proverbs 16:9 states, “A man’s heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps.” Our hearts are to be guarded by our Lord and nothing else including what we want should get in the way. God will direct our path if we let Him. I think the letting Him is finding what He has for you in your specific walk with Christ through the study of His word.

  7. I enjoyed reading this post. My degree is sales and marketing so the conversation of business and faith can be a unique balance. I like what Mark said above, the key is to find the balance of your own path. Everyone has a different path and that is the beauty of life; and the beauty of a Christians journey. Proverbs 3:5-6 states, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths”. Although the business people mentioned in the above post were “successful” in terms of profit they were not successful with giving thanks to the Lord. There is no shame in making profit. The shame comes in the arrogance of not giving thanks to the Lord when doing so. Ultimately, hopefully that profit can be used to give back in ways God would intend. So when thinking about it, the balance is being able to stay humble. To understand that success has a major part to do with God’s plan. Thus, we should plan for the future, as that is the way of the world (especially in today’s era); yet, we should understand God has complete control and without him profit/success/wealth is meaningless.

  8. The older I get, the more I get asked what do you have planned for your life, and since I was in the military, I get asked quite a bit about what am I gonna do with a free education. Yes, I do have a set idea as to what I want to doing with my life, hence being a youth ministry major, but I still do not know what specific aspect of youth ministry I will inevitably end up in. All the time, I get people telling me you should’t do youth ministry. As sad as it is to say, the reason I get the majority of the time is that going into youth ministry won’t make you a lot of money. I am under this realization, but for me I don’t care that I won’t make as much money as some others will. That is because I trust and want to seek out the plan that God has laid out for me and my life. Matthew 7:7-8 NIV says that, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” If we all just did something as simple as this, there would be less worry in the world today.

  9. I think that this is a topic that a lot of Christians struggle to find an answer to. I don’t particularly like the phrase “let go and let God” because it sounds a little like a Hallmark greeting card phrase. However, I think that ultimately we are called to live a Spirit-led life. Maybe a more popular wording of this would be a Spirit-empowered life. We cannot do anything apart from God if we are in Christ. If we buy into the mindset that Christ is merely a portion of our lives then are we really surrender to Him as a Savior whom we adore? I think that the balance comes in with discipline in the Spirit. Should we avoid planning the future entirely? No, of course not! But we must look at the future with the fact in mind that, God is already in the future. I think that it is a matter of disciplining ourselves to have the patience to hear the voice of God guiding us and helping us as we approach the future.

  10. I believe personally that there is a difference between a calling and a plan. Personally, I know that I have a calling to go into youth ministry, and that there is a path for me to go down that path, but I need to gameplan how I’m going to get there, and have proper strategy for how I am going to be put in a position to glorify God’s calling for me. In my personal opinion, John 15:16 gives a great and clear definition of what a calling is. it says “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.” We have the responsibility to live out the calling that we were given by God, and we do need to have a clear plan of how we intend to do so.

  11. The phrase “let go and let God” just translates to me as “sit back and let God do his thing”. Truly, as James illustrates, while we may have plans for our future we should be less physically concerned about them, because God has a plan for us. Sometimes it’s not what we expect it to be, much like the man in the parable who doesn’t get to enjoy his wealth. I agree with Jobes when she points out that the biblical authors try to illustrate for us the importance of putting our faith in the future in God — we shouldn’t throw caution to the wind, no, but it’s important to keep an open mind to whatever surprising roads God carves out for us. Follow where God leads you, and ultimately things will work out under his plan. Let God do his thang.

  12. We have been discussing the phrase, “let go, let God,” in my Formation and Service class. There are two extremes relying completely on God to get the work we need down or relying solely on ourselves to do the work. There has to be a balance. We do not know the future or what it holds, but God does. God lays out stepping stones for us to take. We have to continually choose which path we are going to take. God will guide us, but we have to do the work to get God’s plan done. The difference is dependency and discipline. You need to rely on God for strength, but you need to have the discipline to get God’s plan accomplished. The key is balance, which is hard to come by. Especially in different seasons of our lives. “For how we live today depends largely on what we believe about the future, for those beliefs shape our priorities and motivations” (Jobes p.225). We need to live each day like Jesus did, humbly without arrogance and with discipline. We are going to need to be humble and ask God for strength, Jesus even had to do that and he is all God! We need to continue to rely on God and still put our best foot forward.

  13. I think this was an interesting article to read because I am the type of person that loves to have all my plans thought out and have everything prepared, when it comes to what I want to do in life. So reading this article made me realize that it is okay to plan for the future, but you must do so in God’s hand. God’ has a plan for everybody, and it is our job to just let God’s plan happen and to not refuse it. Proverbs 19: 20-21 says, ” Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the ends you will be counted among the wise. Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” This does not mean to not set plans for yourself, but realize that if you plan fails it isn’t because it was wrong, it just not what God has planned for you. It gets me thinking about when we Pray for people and asking to “put his healing hand on them”, but if it is in God’s plan he is going to do it anyways, but I think it is good to realize that it is good to remind God that we are praying not only for ourselves but for other people as well.

  14. We cannot avoid planning for the future nor should we. Proverbs 27:5 informs us that diligent people benefit from planning, and that people that make plans in haste seldom benefit from them. We should make plans and we should make them carefully. However we need to understand that their are limitations to our plans and acknowledge that God ultimately has the final say as to what will come to pass. Proverbs 16:3, 16:9, and 19:21 inform us that it is human to plan but God will fulfill His purpose and will regardless of what our plans are. With that in mind I think rather than warning us away from plan making all together James 4:13-14 is warning us to take into account that our plans are not God’s plans and we should acknowledge that we do not ultimately know what the future holds and not be so arrogant as to assume our plans will be fulfilled just because we have made them.

  15. I am continually learning more about the historical context of James from the blog posts; this one being no exception.
    Here James speaks to the merchants and their habit of making plans without acknowledging God. What strikes me is that these men are fully comfortable in their travels and work, without any apparent concern to “appease the gods”. The planning and travelling are routine it seems (if there is any concern it isn’t something they show).
    It is easy for us here in the US to pray and consult God on the big things: buying a house, picking out a college or career, or going on a mission trip. But when, if ever, do we remember God in the day to day, ordinary routines of our lives?
    The blog post also makes mention of how “Lord willing” if often used flippantly. I would go so far as to say it means the same as “if all goes as planned” or “hopefully it all works out”. The phrase is so embedded into our vernacular that speaks more to acknowledging uncertain plans than it does trusting God.
    On the flipside, I know some who take these words quite literally. These individuals are on guard to make sure they always say, “if the Lord wills” and verbally bring God into it so to speak. This practice tends to produce individuals who are so preoccupied with using the right words; it almost becomes a good luck charm or a way to show their status as a ‘true Christian’.
    The ESV Study Bible notes state that what James is getting at is that “planning and investing are not wrong, but arrogant self-confidence and boasting are”.
    While acknowledging God’s sovereignty in our planning can involve using phrases such as, “Lord willing”, that is not the only way to do so – nor is simply using the phrase enough.

  16. I think we need to be wise in how we perceive the future because it is always moving just as the present is moving forward. We could plan for the right things and have some sort of an outline five goal for our lives, with Christ being the center. In Philippians 1:6 says, “He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” In Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and not to rely on our own understanding, that we should think of him in all our ways, knowing he will guide us on the right paths. Dr. Long makes a good point of the arrogance claiming to control their own time and life without considering God being part of it. We need to accept that our lives are a temporary time on earth, and we should take the consideration to invest in our eternal lives more than our physical ones. In Matthew 6:19-21 says, “do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

  17. James writes to Jewish Christians about business in James 4:13-16. Specifically, he addresses the fact that they are conducting business with a level of pride that they should not have. These believers were overconfident in their view of business interactions. James gives them a stern warning that this attitude was boasting and boasting in this way was sin. Rather, he encourages them to focus on what the Lord wanted them to do. He specifically says, “if the Lord wills” (James 4:15).
    The Jewish believers James was writing to have their heart focused on money and gaining wealth, rather than focusing on God and building up eternal riches. In modern business, there is a very similar attitude to what the original audience of James’ letter had. Many people in business, even Christians in business, have an attitude of overconfidence that often leads to failure. Sadly, the Christians who are in business often put their entire focus on profits, rather than on following what God would have them do with their lives.
    Many believers will speak of “Lord willing”, but the mentality is not “If God wills this”, but rather “I want God’s stamp of approval on this”. This is a heart attitude centered around arrogance and self-focus, which ultimately leads to sin. A heart attitude focused on God will grow to discuss everything with him before making a decision and realize that our desires are not his plan for us.

  18. I liked the reflecting question at the end of this article. Can we really let go of worrying about the future? I don’t think so, we live in an imperfect world where there is worry and doubts all around us and things that we doubt. There are things that we look forward to and hope to come and that has its positives and negatives. I think that as we read about James last point about making plans for the future I think that it is okay to look forward and worry about things that will come later in life, as it is able to bring anticipation and makes us think more in depth about what is to come. But in this we need God to be at the center, to bring our worries and doubts to Him knowing that God knows what will happen and what will happen is God’s will and God’s plan. As we read through this article, we notice that people of that day were looking and worrying about what is being held in the future. I would argue that in today’s day and age we are overly overwhelmed about what the future holds as we are super busy rushing around. I think that as we reflect on this article, we need to remember who is ultimately in control of our lives, we can’t control what the future holds but we know the one who does. We need to bring those worries and thoughts to God but at the same time be excited and ready for the future journey.

  19. This blog post is very intriguing because planning for the future is a very important aspect of life that many people of today’s society need to worry about. Whether it be making payments on a car note, planning for birthdays, even waking up in the morning; we cannot forget about God in any scenario. It is important to always thank God for anything and everything that you plan to do, or something good or bad that has already happened in the past, because He is the most powerful creator. James 4:14 is a very important verse to address in regard to how James feels about planning for the future. yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes (James 4:14). This verse stood out to me because our God is in control of everything and everything. However, it is possible and actually inevitable to plan for the future like P.Long mentioned earlier in the blog post that businessman need to plan for the future, and if one can do it good for them but as soon as they start to lose focus and forget about the Lord they shall perish. “The arrogance of some business owners is their assumption they can go anywhere and make a profit without giving a thought to the Lord’s will” (P.Long). This is the incorrect way of living because those who do not thank God for future plans are to boast and fail; and fall directly into sin.

  20. James actually promotes the use of “if the Lord wills”, and does not say anything about there being, as you (P. Long) say, “flippant use” of the phrase (James 4:15, NIV). The problem is not that people are saying this and not meaning it, but not saying this and not meaning it. When he talks about the plans that people are making, the pride in their words stems from the fact that God is not included in their speech at all. “Instead” says James, “you ought [emphasis added] to say, ‘If it is the Lord’s will…’” (4:15, NIV). Not including God in their speech about future plans “contradicts a trusting dependence on the Lord required for wise living” (Jobes, 2011, pp. 224-225). This contradiction can easily be applied to our lives today. As students, we might boast of our near future, “I am going to get so much done today!” and our further future, “I am going to graduate next year and then go on to…”. Rather than promote our own plans as if we alone will accomplish them, we should be speaking in a way that reflects our “trusting dependence” on God (Jobes, 2011, pp. 224-225). And, similarly, with our past achievements, we should be giving the glory to God (Ps. 73, NIV). While it is possible to use the phrase “if the Lord wills” in a flippant way, this was not the problem James was addressing in this passage (4:15, NIV). Rather, James says that our speech should reflect our belief of God’s sovereignty in our lives.

  21. There is definitely a balance that must be considered when looking forward to the future and making plans. Proverbs 6 talks greatly about the sluggard, who makes no plans, works not, and holds no future. In comparison this chapter offers up the ant, who even as a little created plans, stores, and works in the appropriate manner. Proverbs 31 also talks about the value and blessing of planning, when describing the woman of valor. These women bring blessings and honor upon her household through her wise planning, business, and prosperity (ESV Study Bible). Just as mentioned above, there is nothing sinful or wrong with a good business plan, the problem lies within the lack of acknowledgment to God (Long, 2018). Both the ant and the women of valor use their gifts and talents of planning to bring honor to the Lord, where the businessmen in James fail to do so. Jobes, 2011, shares “All of James’ discussion of wealth is intended to put the Christian’s resources, no matter how little or how much, under God’s sovereignty” (p. 170). This is an important concept to remember, as with anything, wealth and planning for the future comes under the heart of the doer.

    ESV Study Bible: English Standard Version. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2008. Print.
    Jobes, K. H. (2011). Letters to the Church: A Survey of Hebrews and the General Epistles. Zondervan.

  22. We can plan things in the future, but the hard thing is planning our life because we tend to control our own life and future. Some of us can avoid planning for the future and others cannot. The reason why others cannot be because there are those who are not followers of Christ thinking they need to control their life without God planning the future for them and they know what they want to do in their own life. For example, there are people who will make a five- or ten-year plan in their life of what they want to do, what career they want to do, probably get in a relationship and get married at the age they want and maybe have a family. Also, there are women who would do a birth plan to be prepared for their new baby. Sometimes the birth plan will work and sometimes it will not work. There are Christians will make their own plan but sometimes will doubt that God will not make it happen for them, so they go their own way. We have others to avoid planning because they can rely on God. God has a plan for us. If we do plan something we ask to make it happen, sometimes God will change plans.

    I had a plan after community college. I decided to take a year off from school to find a job to save up money to go to any other university and I was planning to join the police academy, but everything changed. I was relying on flesh instead of God. Now I know that I have to learn to lean on God for my future even though I have to work on what I need to do to keep going.

  23. I don’t believe that planning for the future is necessarily wrong, but it is the planning for our future alone that is wrong. Meaning that we forget God’s plan, that we are supposed to be on the lookout for His return, and that we are supposed to focus on glorifying Him. Planning for the future and for future business can be wrong if we desire wealth and find our security in it. From a business perspective, however, planning for the future allows us to use the resources God has given to use wisely. It helps us to be good stewards of what He has given to us. I don’t think looking ahead is wrong but I think the things we are looking ahead to and our motives when planning can be sinful and selfish. Our aim with planning should only be to plan for the work of Christ and to continue to promote Him, share the gospel and show love to others. We shouldn’t plan out of selfish motives or desires for personal gain alone. We also should not plan because we are so attached to this world and our material possessions here. We need to still remember that we are visitors on the earth and that as Christians, this is not our home. As long as we are aligning our hearts with what God commands, we can serve Him and praise Him in everything that we do. This is ultimately what is most important and the goal that all of us should have in life.

  24. The future is the process of the Lord’s will being done. No matter if the choices we make throughout the process are a reflection of what the Lord’s will for our lives is or not, in the end the Lord’s plan plays out. Many people, even today, will pray a prayer, then end their request with a nonchalant “if Your will be done” referring the Lord. This statement can often—but not always—be said in a form of disrespect because the person is just saying it because it is the Christian thing to say during prayer. I am guilty of this. My personal example is from when I was in a poor relationship and I would pray that the Lord would allow the relationship to grow and be healthy, but I would throw onto the end of my prayer “if this is Your will.” I know that I did not mean this statement, but I said it anyway and I continued to make my own decisions, even though the Lord had answered my prayer with a no and showed me my correct path. Referring to the passage in James 4:13-14, James could be addressing some sort of international businessman. The issue of the businessman does not have to do with his work or travel, but rather his and self-reliance to build up his wealth. James is not making the point that doing business and the ability to make a profit off of it is a bad lifestyle, but rather James is pointing out how your attitude toward it matters. The way that I see it as a problem for people today is that if you are strictly reliant on your own ability to provide money, then you could be in for a rude awakening at any day whether that be a broken-down car, some sort of accident, or even just increased prices (gas). The verse states that you can do all things through Christ, not you can just do all things (Philippians 4:13).

  25. this reminds me of Matthew 6:24 which says, “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. you cannot serve God and money.” and there are plenty of verses about God knowing the future, knowing us while we were in our mother’s womb, and situations like this. my question is, who can a good Christian follower be also a successful businessperson? in this world, we were taught by others or by media that in order to be successful in life we have to do what best interest us. either that be lying, stealing, cheating, using others, or whatever scheme there is to become the person you want to be. when we follow God, the things to do are the complete opposite. we are told to speak in truth and love, given to those who need it most, treat those who you want to be treated, build each other up and not tear each other down. Dave Ramsey, who is renowned for saving money and teaching others how to do so, is a Christian. i have only heard a few things about his past and how he became who is his now. i would like to know which one he served first, money or God?

  26. As a college student always wondering what my future may look like and where I am going to be 5 years from now gives me some anxiety. In this passage, the author of James was trying to tell us that our lives are very random, and we may have plans for the next day, but something may come up and those plans may be ruined. Being a Business Management major and being employed in the same business for the last couple of years, I have started to notice a trend that you can never really plan too far out due to the number of changes that occur in the business and there are a lot of outside situations that can change the way that a business does what they do. Most businesspeople do things the opposite of how God would want them to be done as P Long said, because businesses are so worried about what they can do in order to make a profit they don’t pay attention to God and what he may believe is best for the company. They aren’t willing to ask for God’s reference because in the midst of all the planning, they focus on what they think is best rather than what God would think is best for them and their company.

  27. There is a lot to unpack in the book of James. This idea of planning for the future is just one of them. In society today, I think the church is often influenced by worldly things: Money, fame, power, numbers, etc. Often we as christians rely so heavily on things other than God to secure our future, which is where James’ discussion brings to light the need to rely on God. To answer the question at the end of this post, I don’t think we can avoid planning for the future. I think there needs to be a balance between “our” plans and God’s. They should go hand in hand. When we think of Future it can be referencing many things, tomorrow, three years from now, when we die, etc. Jobes talks about this in Chapter 7 of her book Letters to the Church. She references how many might view the future in a shortsighted way, but really biblical writers are referring to the afterlife when talking about the future. With this idea in mind, thinking of the future as afterlife, there is no room to leave Jesus out. However, I think planning things such as what you’re going to wear tomorrow it’s okay to decide without looking forward to how that one outfit might affect the rest of the plan God has laid out for our lives.

  28. As someone who has been a planner all my life and focusing more on the planning part of this passage, this passage in James brings about an honest perspective of reality. I have had days where I have made plans, “yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring” (v.14), and the plan crumbles due to circumstances. This can be exceedingly frustrating, but when I hold my plans in open hands and give it to God, whether that is with finances, relationships, or a busy work schedule, I am able to worry less over truly unimportant things. With my boasting or pride of being a planner, when plans fall short it seems to reflect badly on me or causes me to feel out of control. However, in Matthew 6:25-34 we read Jesus’ teaching on “do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each trouble has enough trouble of its own” (v.34). Instead, the right response is to first seek God’s kingdom, and I ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that” (James 4:15).

  29. I regularly think about planning for my future, I think about my future a lot. The phrase that James brings up, “if the Lord wills” resonates with me as a Christian. This is a reminder that I am not in control of my future, and God has a plan for me. We can have an idea of what we want our future to look like, but when God has something different planned for us. We must not say no, but we must embrace what God wants us to do instead. We can get caught up in our own lives so much that we don’t even consider whether is this what the Lord wants for us. James talks about people like businessmen, that are always on the go and not even thinking about the Lord. They are just thinking about themselves and sometimes greed. In today’s world where people are planning their finances and trying to secure their future based on greed. James encourages us to reevaluate our approach to our future, James warns us against the arrogance of assuming that we have the ultimate control of our lives. In this biblical narrative that James talks about shows us that wealth doesn’t matter, we are not promised tomorrow. We must live our lives as if we are not promised tomorrow, and not worry about things that wouldn’t even matter if we weren’t here the next day.

  30. Coming from another cultural background does make a difference. In country like Brazil, where the mood of the families are more survival, it is more easy to adapt to the idea that God is in control, for we constantly see ourselves working hard and still having no idea how is gonna be the next days. I have countless memories of waking up and seeing my mom praying for a bill that she needed to pay and that she had no money for it. And at the end of the day, someone at her store bought the exact amount of money in clothes that she needed to pay the bill. Speaking for myself, I never really learned growing up how to manage my finances. Today, by the grace of God, and His love for, I see Him putting in my heart the desire to be have more discernment in how manage my finances, not in a controlling way, but in a way that I am submitting myself to Him, and seeking His will to how He wants me to use the money. “Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment” (1 Timothy 6:17, NIV). What has made the difference is how God has changed my heart to understand that what I have is not actually mine, but it belongs to Him. And I should seek Him, as a way to honor him, seeking His will. This has been a change in my life. For the life in Brazil with less opportunity than in America, experiencing God’s provision and grace everyday has taught me trust in Him more and more, because I have seen Him provide daily in my life. And I praise God for all of that, and for He has been putting in my heart the desire to do His will, something I would not have on my own. “Wealth and honor come from You; You are the ruler of all things. In Your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all. Now, our God, we give You thanks, and praise Your glorious name. But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from You, and we have given You only what comes from your hand” (1 Chronicles 29:12-14, NIV).

  31. It is definitely important when planning for the future to keep your life and God in the same lens. As a business student at Grace one of the main things we touch on in every business class is the idea of business as mission. This is the idea of understanding how we can run a successful business while also glorifying God at the same time. So when looking at the verses of James 4: 13-14 we can see that it is being said that we should not be going into business for just ourselves. James 4:14 says, “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.” (James 4:14) Which gives us the perspective that we need to look at our life and what we are doing with the idea that we have no idea what God has planned for us. So if we go into a field of business with just the idea of making money every day and not doing the future as what God might have planned next for us, we might be missing the picture. Karen Jobes mentions this one saying, “Announcing plans for self-profit under the delusion that one is in control of one’s life contradicts a trusting dependence on the Lord required for wise living.” (Jobes, 224-225). This clearly shows us that if we are under the impression we are in control of our own life we are contradicting our beliefs and putting our lives in God’s hands.

  32. For many modern Christians, there’s a dilemma between financial planning and trust in God. Proverbs 19:21 shows the need to recognize God’s sovereignty in our plans: “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.” While responsible financial planning is consistent with Biblical principles of stewardship (Proverbs 21:5), Jesus’ teachings caution us against relying on wealth for security. Jobes (2011) agrees with this notion, explaining how having wealth is not bad, it is how we act because of it (page 227). The parables of the rich fool in Luke 12:16-21 and the story of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16:19-31 demonstrate the dangers of emphasizing material wealth over spiritual well-being.
    In Matthew 6:34, Jesus advises against excessive anxiety about the future, urging believers to focus on the present and trust in God’s provision: “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” This aligns with the biblical principle of depending on God for daily needs. The challenge is in finding a balance between wise planning and a humble acknowledgment of life’s uncertainties and how we do not control it, but God.
    Proverbs 16:9 encourages believers to submit their plans to God: “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” This suggests that while it’s acceptable to make plans, acknowledging God’s sovereignty and being open to His guidance is crucial. Practical application involves adopting a mindset of stewardship, recognizing that wealth is a resource to be managed for God’s purposes. Philippians 4:19 assures believers that God will supply their needs according to His riches, reinforcing the idea of reliance on God over material wealth. Overall, the balance for the modern Christian lies in approaching financial planning with humility, flexibility, and an unwavering trust in God’s providence. This involves acknowledging the uncertainties of the future, making plans responsibly, yet holding those plans loosely in submission to God’s divine will.

  33. James is criticizing a specific mindset among individuals, who make plans for the future without acknowledging the lord’s will. The issue that is being addressed is not just engaging in business or strategic planning but the arrogance exhibited by those who assume absolute control over every aspect of their lives without considering God’s influence. James points out that these individuals boast about their future plans, confidently asserting, “We will go, we will spend time, we will trade, and we will make a profit.” Where the problem is in the act of planning or pursuing profits but in the absence of any reference to God in their decision making process. They essentially claim autonomy over time and their goals without recognizing the divine hand in their business activities. The passage is drawing parallels between historical examples of jewish businessmen during the Second Temple Period. It is engaging in international businesses and is viewed as a means to amass wealth for a comfortable life. However, it is directed not at the act of doing business but at the failure to acknowledge God in the process. James uses biblical references, such as Proverbs 27:1 and Job 14:1, to emphasize the boasting about future plans and the brevity of life. He also alludes to extra-biblical sources like 1 Enoch and Stoicism to highlight similar warnings against relying excessively on future plans. This could be indicating that James might be conscious of Jesus’s parables, particularly those about rich fools in Luke 12:16-21 and the importance of not being anxious about the future in Matthew 6:34. These parables look at the dangers of being overly consumed with personal plans and accumulating wealth without considering the uncertainties of the future. The passage also raises questions about how modern Christians, especially in Western cultures like America, navigate the tension between planning wisely for the future and recognizing the uncertainty inherent in life. It challenges individuals to strike a balance between responsible planning and holding those plans loosely, acknowledging that the future is unpredictable. Reading this passage and verses it doesn’t explicitly talk about planning altogether but emphasizes the danger of arrogant planning without acknowledging God’s will. It encourages finding a balance between responsible planning and recognizing the uncertainty of the future. The idea is not to refrain from planning but to approach it with humility, acknowledging that our plans should align with God’s will, and to hold them loosely, understanding the unpredictability of tomorrow.

  34. I know this is something I have had to battle being a college student. As a Christian, you are not supposed to dwell on things, money, or your future, but it’s a lot harder said than done. It’s hard to balance that when you’re running low on money and your grades are doing so well. It can completely consume you to the point where you’re a little hermit in your apartment or dorm. It’s a balance that comes with being in line with God. I don’t know how to explain it, but when I put God in front of everything in my crazy life things don’t usually get better they just become smaller. The problem doesn’t go away, but I have someone to rely on and trust. I know as a young adult it’s very important to invest in my future and retirement, etc. I know that’s something that I have been working on, but it doesn’t take priority over God. It becomes a problem when we make it an idol and place it above God. It says in Matthew 6:34, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” It’s not only something we should do because it’s Biblical, but the science around stress is mind-boggling. If you read up on studies and what stress does to the body it can be deadly. I know of several people in my life who had something very dramatic happen in their life and so they stressed about it so much that they got shingles. There have been scientific studies that stress has actually caused cancer. Do I think stress is a sin, no. Just like everything else though when you put it above God that is when it becomes sin. No matter what we do we will stress about things, but when we trust in God it becomes a lot easier to get rid of stress and be able to enjoy life even during trials.

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