A Warning for Teachers – James 3:1-2

James tells his readers “not many should become teachers” (3:1). Why does James make this command?

It is possible he is concerned about the messianic community having too many teachers, or maybe that some unqualified people were aspiring to be teachers. Jesus told his disciples they ought to avoid meaning called “rabbi” in order to avoid the hypocrisy of the Pharisees (Matt 23:6-8).

The reason for this warning is that those who teach will be judged with “greater strictness.” James includes himself in this warning, although the ESV and NIV add the words “we who teach” as the subject of “will receive greater judgment.”  Similarly, Jesus said “to whom much is given, much is required” (Luke 12:48). The teacher will receive “particularly rigorous scrutiny” at the judgment seat of Christ (cf. 1 Cor. 3:10–15)” (Laws, James, 144).

The reason for this scrutiny is the teacher speaks more, therefore has more opportunity to say things worthy of judgment. If the wise person is to be slow to speak (2:12), then teacher is in danger of judgment because of his constant speaking! (The more you talk, the deep the hole you dig).

James is concerned with too many teachers talking in unloving ways (McKnight, James, 269).  For teachers in the Jewish or Greco-Roman world, a teacher was judged by his popularity, Just as happens in the modern world, a popular teacher is entertaining. This may mean they use humor and amusing stories as a part of their presentation, and anytime you use humor there is a possibility of offending someone (or everyone).

Teachers are often guilty of making a careless aside which derails everything they were trying to say. I knew a teacher some years ago who made cutting jokes and remarks, often under his breath as if no one could hear them. He regularly offended his students and really did not have the influence he assumed he had. I have done this myself, trying to make a joke and it comes out totally wrong and I destroy a relationship (and any chance to teach that person a thing!)

Some teachers attain a level of popularity which prevents them from addressing some issues which are controversial. The larger the following the weaker the theology. For example, Joel Osteen has very thin theology but a massive church; a conservative pastor preaching the Bible has every theological T crossed and every I dotted, but they have a church of fifteen elderly people. Joel Osteen cannot speak out against a particular sin because he would lose a section of his congregation that enjoys that sin and does not come to church to be preached against.

In addition to careless speech, a church teacher is presented as an authority on God’s word, Christian practice and theology. With any authority comes great responsibility. When asked, a teacher will gladly give their opinion, even if they have no real preparation or expertise to address the topic (worse: ask a blogger a question!)

Perhaps an extreme example for contemporary culture, pop-stars often give their opinion on matters of science, government, religion, etc. even though they have no education which qualifies them to be an expert. That sort of “careless speech” is influential because people like and trust them. So too a teacher might offer an expert opinion on a theological or ethical issue when they have not really done the work it requires to understand the issue, and therefore lead people astray.

It is likely James has in mind careless speech which leads to division within the church. There is nothing in James which implies the elders (some of whom are likely teachers) are deficient in their theology, but through careless speech they may be creating a divisive atmosphere in the small diaspora Jewish churches. Paul certainly had to deal with this in Corinth, there is no reason to doubt diaspora Jews were any less divisive.

How ought we evaluate public teachers of the Bible? Is it fair they are held to a higher standard just because they are teachers?

49 thoughts on “A Warning for Teachers – James 3:1-2

  1. I have taught over this passage 3 times now, and each time I find a great irony in saying “Not many of you should become teachers” while teaching.

    As for your question, we ought to be held to a high standard. Paul tells Timothy that elders need to be above reproach. As those who are influential in steering the direction of the souls of many people, we have to do so with utmost seriousness and humility.

  2. As a Pastoral Ministry major, this verse has very much so impacted and humbled me on my spiritual journey. Biblically, I believe it’s very important to examine the leaders of the church and each other as well. Titus 1 and 1 Timothy 3 are excellent passages to reference when speaking of the qualifications of teaching and preaching the word of God as well as ministering to God’s people. Holding them to the standard of “being above reproach” is vital for church success. Jobes mentions that Jesus and God are both viewed as “judges” who will judge according to the law. With that being said, a teacher of the law and word of God has to be judged to a higher standard than those who aren’t called to be a teacher.

  3. Teaching is an important aspect to the Christian life. To a certain extent we are all teachers, because we are called to share the gospel with those that are lost, and to me that is a form of teaching. I think it is fair that teachers are held to a higher standard because they are what is going to make the biggest impact for the kingdom of God. It is also important for teachers to watch what they say to make sure they aren’t implying careless speech to their teaching. In conclusion, teachers should teach with caution and understand that they are the ones that are making an impact on the kingdom of God.

  4. Teachers must be held to a higher standard because of the nature of their work. I think this is true because of what Scripture tells us in multiple spots. Teachers are typically more knowledgeable about expectations laid out for Christians in the Bible because they relay that information to others. You will be judged because you knew what you were supposed to do (and claimed it to those you taught to), but you fell short. When you know more, you become more accountable. An example of this is in Luke 12: 47-48 when the servant knew his master’s will, but not act accordingly so he got a harsh beating. The servant who did not know only got a light beating in comparison. The moral in this story is Luke 12:48, “Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.” I don’t necessarily think it’s “fair” to judge them more harshly, but I think it is important to do so. Everyone tells us from when we are little that life isn’t fair so this is just another one of those situations. The necessity of teachers following through of their words is far more important than them feeling “fair”. Also, teachers are more spiritually mature if they are supposed to be teaching others about the Lord and what the Bible says. One section in the reading talked about how godly speech is important throughout the New Testament. Jobes wrote that, “Spiritually mature people exhibit godly speech that is consistent with who they are becoming in Christ” (Jobes, 172).

  5. Teachers are fairly put at a higher standard, because if we are to take what they are saying seriously, then we need to be able to know that they are in the position to teach and have reasons to be respected. For all intensive purposes, what people say should be a reflection of who they are and what they believe, so for that reason, not everyone is going to be fit to be a teacher (Jobes 172). Teachers are held accountable to a different standard for what they say, so even the smallest of polarizing statements can have an effect on a community or on a student’s life (Jobes 171). The reason why Jesus’s teachings were so effective and had such a powerful impact on people’s lives, is because it came from Jesus, a man who never gave into temptation, a man who did not ever sin or wrong people, even when He knew that He was destined to be wronged by His peers. Even people in ministry suffer from sexual immorality and the other various sins of the flesh, and that’s why teaching or ministry is not for everyone.

  6. I think that what James is saying here matches everything else in life. Like you said above: “with great power comes great responsibility” look at the president or any celebrity there is if they make a mistake they become a spectacle for the whole nation. I remember that my pastor’s wife growing up used to talk about how sometimes our actions as Christians can bring “shame to the name” meaning that we are constantly being looked at by the world to be the embodiment of Jesus. It is the same of people called by God to be teachers, they are responsible for being the under-shepherd of the body that they are teaching. I don’t think that this is a question of being fair or not, but rather it is part of the responsibility of being a teacher of the Word. One must accept this and move forward with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

  7. Yes I believe it is appropriate for teachers to be held accountable and to a higher standard. Looking at pastoring or teaching through the lens of this verse is very daunting. Its Scary to think that if i become a teacher or pastor I essentially will be under a microscope. This seems reasonable tho considering pastors have a great influence on peoples spiritual lives and eternity is nothing to mess around with. 1 Timothy 3:1 talks about it being an honorable position, his life cannot be spoken against. It seems like pastors are put in this position of “holier than art tho” and they have to be dang near perfect people. I would really like to challenge that and say, yes they are held to a higher standard, but the separation between congregate and pastor is much less than what people make it out to be. They are ministers among minsters first among many. They have a story too, they have pasts, they have presents. They were rescued just like everyone else was or is being rescued and they are in need of Gods grace on a daily, just as much as the one sitting in the pew.

  8. I would have to agree with James in saying that not everyone should become a teacher. Some are not gifted from the Lord in speaking, preaching, and teaching, but rather are gifted in other ways. For those who are gifted with teaching, James 2:12 can be a hard verse to live out due to their profession of speaking. It is true that teachers in the Bible are held to a high standard because they are referenced speaking wisdom a number of times, but that does not mean everything that they taught in there life was true. Teachers of the Bible today are definitely held to a high standard, as they should be. God calls Bible teachers to teach His word for a reason, sometimes for reasons that they do not understand, but He does have a reason. Their job requires them to have truth about the knowledge, and one would assume that they are more proactive about living out those truths. James 2:13 warns those teachers of the Bible that they will be held accountable to their teachings in their personal lives. A Bible teacher who does not walk the talk that he is speaking is not going to have listeners who do what he says as easily. Followers, especially Christians, are more likely to follow a leader who does as he says and is not hypocritical in his teaching. Karen Jobes in “Letters to the Church” points out that James is writing to Jewish Christians leaders who have been scattered (Jobes, p. 163). Those tribes and leaders do not have many leaders to support their teachings of the Bible, and therefore, James is encouraging them to pay close attention to what they are saying and how they are preaching.

  9. I believe that your point about this passage being mostly a warning towards loose speech, and that teachers being those who are those who others strive to listen too are particularly vulnerable to this. Loose speech is warned against in other passages as well such as Matthew 12:36, so this is a known problem. Feel another part of this warning is because teachers mostly teach those who are less mature than them. This may lead to a situation when a teach may knowingly or unknowingly lead an immature individual such as a young adult or child sin which is deeply displeasing to God as shown in Matthew 18:6.

  10. In one of my other classes we have spent this week looking at what it means to trust a leader and the importance of trustworthiness in any organization or group of people. In a ministry setting there is a certain expectation that the leader is correct in their teachings, people trust their pastor because they are “… an authority of God’s word” (Long, 2018). In my mind trust and faith are fruits of each other; I trust God because I have faith in him and I have faith in God because he has never failed me yet, so I trust him. In reflection to James 3:2, Jobes says, “The goal is never to be at fault in what we say and have the self-control to keep one’s whole body in check” (2011). Students and parishioners alike can be dependent on their pastors and teachers to give an example in speech and life of what is proper and true. I would assume that one of the hardest parts of ministry and teaching is the constant eye that ministers/teachers are under. Everything they do in a teaching scenario can be misinterpreted and used in a negative manner despite best intentions.
    In my experience so far as a university student, I seldom doubt something that a professor tells me because I have assurance in their experiences and credentials that qualified them to be in the teaching position that they are in. There are times where I disagree with a statement or a lesson, or do not understand it in its entirety, but I still have confidence in their knowledge even if mine is lacking.

  11. To answer your second question (Is it fair they are held to a higher standard just because they are teachers?), I would so far as to say that it is only proper to do so.

    As a basic example: if a neurosurgeon is scheduled for cases on any given day, he or she is held to a certain amount of accountability – more so than someone who delivers mail to patient rooms.
    Following the same logic, it would only be right to hold Biblical teachers to a higher level of accountability when teaching the Bible publicly. Of course this is not to say they are expected to be perfect in all they do or say. But it does reflect the passage that you noted above in Luke 12: to whom much is given, much is required. It also reminds me of the parable Jesus taught of the talents in Matthew 25. We also have the story of the widow’s mite in Luke 21. Different tasks or positions demand different standards of levels of accountability.

    There is a certain amount of authority assumed by any one who teaches. Individuals who put themselves in – or find themselves promoted to – a position of teaching ought to be aware of the responsibility. For example, careless speech, as mentioned in the original post, is something to avoid. And it can have unintended consequences. If something is said in a one on one conversation the opportunity for a negative impact is there. Said on a stage, the chance of creating a negative impact multiplies quickly.
    Your post also points out that Bible teachers are viewed as authorities on the Word of God. Because they are given that respect or platform, those who teach must be all the more careful against careless speech.

    The ESV Study Bible makes note of the fact that during this time period, teachers were of high status. It suggests that James may be warning against becoming a teacher for the wrong reasons. To those who might be tempted to do so, it serves as warning that it is not all fame and glory. This passage reminds me of other sections of the Bible (ie Hebrews 13:17). I can’t help but wonder if there is a theme here, discouraging individuals from becoming teachers. Or at least warning the ones who may be tempted to jump on board too soon. For those who are called to teach, might this serve as a reminder that their work matters (and not to let their position as a leader get to their heads)?

  12. James brings up a good point that I very much agree with when it comes to becoming a teacher. Whether it’s a preacher, schoolteacher to just a leader somewhere on some team. I think that some people have the capability to become great teachers or leaders. But there are some that aren’t the ones to step up and teach or take leadership. There is nothing wrong with that at all, God has a better place for those people doing something great that fits them. but at the same time, I think that God has and will call those to teach, preach or lead. Along with that God will have to use these people to help someone walking through a hard time that the teacher might not ever go through. So, God will give them the wisdom and guidance to teach and walk these people through what they are going through. Along with that these teachers might not even know all about God, but God will guide them to say and teach the right things. Although there are people that aren’t in this kind of role there is nothing wrong with that and God is using them in a different and perfect area for them to teach and lead. But I think that God has to appoint those in order to teach and lead properly.

  13. I think it is important for anyone to claim or present themselves as a teacher of the Word to be deeply rooted and fully knowledgeable of what they are learning and speaking. Both areas that is a continuous growth towards full maturity. I think for someone to be a teacher needs to have proper credentials supporting their education and their dedication of subject of expertise. Dr. Long made a good point about “careless speech,” that I so often see on social media. It is easy to only read a title of a news headline and share it without properly engaging in searching the facts as to the reasons for such news, time and date it was delivered, and the truth from all angles of the story. In Luke 6:40 says, “a disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained would be like his teacher.” Jobes make a great point how Jesus presents himself as a teacher with greater authority than those of the teacher of law and Pharisees (193). Depending how one is presented as a teacher of the Bible, may have a greater responsibility because the Bible is the Word of God that comes with power and authority and if we are not careful or rightfully in tune with the Holy Spirit in wisdom and discernment, error and careless speech of the Bible come with judgment and most times bring curses. In 2 Timothy 2:15 says, “be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who doesn’t need to be ashamed, correctly teaching the word of truth.” If a teacher is teaching about sexual immorality, yet this person is committing such sin behind closed doors, and later he or she is exposed, it can severely bring the impression that the Bible is a lied to others (especially baby Christians) because it was unable to even correct the teacher. I think being a teacher is not just I choose to be one today, but it takes a lot of time of investment to learn and continue learning, gaining proper lessons and correction by the Bible. You cannot become a master if you have not fully master it. In Judaism “rabbi,” means teacher of the Torah. Also, can mean master, which translated to “great one.”

  14. As I read through James 3, I see the waring of opening our mouth and being discerning of what comes out of it. I don’t think that it is saying to never open our mouth but to be sure that the quality of the words comes out is more important than the quantity of words. When James is warning teachers or “wannabes” he is saying that they will be judged with greater strictness. We know that the tongue can do harm and people in authority have the most power to the right thing and the most power to say the wring thing. People will hear if you say the wring thing. There are a few pastors out there they I follow for their entertainment value. I don’t know if that is the correct thing to say, but I listen because I want to know what ludicrous thing they are going to say to their congregation of thousands. When I think of these pastors, I always think of Romans 12:2. It tells us to not conform to this world, but to be transformed. Is there purpose to please the crowd or serve the Lord? Which also brings to mind Galatians 1:10 that talks about pleasing God and not man. In your last paragraph you discuss the thought that James was likely not putting down their theology, just their careless speech. While this was probably true for this community, I don’t think the same thing can be applied to our society, which I think is pretty clearly seen in popular culture. I think it can be a combination of bad or careless theology and careless speech.

  15. James speaks of the tongue and how it is capable to steer one’s whole life (James 3:3-5). The tongue is powerful. James warns teachers because they are worthy of judgment for their followers and fans. Teaching and leading is no small task. I grew up watching the struggles and challenges my parents had to face being teachers. Teachers today are held to a high standard. They are called by God to teach His word and bring others closer to Him. Unlike some celebrities that voice their opinion about a political matter, but have no knowledge or background on it, teachers of God’s word must have knowledge and insight. They are being held accountable and evaluated for their teachings. James states that not everyone should become a teacher. I agree with him as many people don’t have the calling from God or have the knowledge to teach. If one becomes a teacher with no knowledge, they become hypocrites and are “worthless” (James 1:26). We should be on the lookout to what teachers are saying and how they are preaching, so to not follow wrong teachings.
    “The larger the following the weaker the theology” (Philip Long). I never really thought of this but is so true. A teacher aims to be sincere and honest. They want to keep their “popularity”, to do so they have to keep people content. They are therefore unable to discuss controversial issues. I think of how difficult it is for mega churches, because no matter what or where there are so many strong opinions and people who get hurt feeling and leave. James gives great advice that can help us as teachers and learners.

  16. The thoughts from James in chapter 3, verses 1-2 is fairly interesting and eye-opening. In this passage of his letter, James claims that not many Christians should be teachers because teachers are judged to a higher standard than others. Verse 2 of this passage focuses on the idea that all people stumble. One of the main ethical exhortations of James’ letters is centered around Godly speech and how Christians use their voices. According to Jobes (2011), “There is probably no greater self-revealing way we can present ourselves to the world than through what we say” (pg. 223). James’ seconds this notion, for James is very much concerned about how Christians speak and interact. Are their messages and voices reflecting Christian ethics, or are these messages and voices disregarding Christian ethics? This is of much concern to James. Jobes (2011) claims that Jesus and James share a perspective that the words that Christians say are incredibly important because they reflect the inner selves of people (pg. 223). James litters his message in the Bible with ethical instructions about how Christians are to speak. For example, James 1:19 encourages believers to be slow to speak and quicker to listen, James 1:26 claims that one’s faith is irrelevant if they cannot show the ability to control their tongue, James 2:12 claims that speech, along with actions, will be judged by the Lord, James 3:8 states that one’s mouth is difficult to control, etc. It becomes evident that James is heavily engaged in discussion about how Christians speak and use their voices. This passage in James 3:1-2 is just another significant example.

    Moreover, I completely agree with the third paragraph of this blog post. The third paragraph highlights the fact that James believes speech is judged by God, so Christians should be slow to speak (James 1:19 and James 2:12). This means that teachers of the Word and of Jesus will have a much higher standard of judgement because they will speak much more than the Christian who is slow to speak. For example, a Christian who is slow to speak will really focus on only using their voice for good and the kingdom of God. That being said, a Christian teacher can have that same mindset and that same plan, but since their job requires them to speak early and often, then they are more prone to messing up with their voice. For James 3:5 highlights the disproportionate relationship between the size of one’s tongue and the trouble that it can cause in one’s life. This means that the more one speaks, the more trouble can appear. This is why James believes teachers are to be held to a higher standard, and I understand and tend to agree with this frame of thinking.

    Along with these opportunities to speak, church teachers have the opportunity to gain a crowd, a fan base, or a popularity measure. This comes with teachers today too. People who speak a lot can gain a large crowd and large following that support their every move and their every word. This can be beneficial for individuals, as well as society, if the content of the message from the teacher is healthy and Biblically supported. However, if teachers gain this kind of support and popularity, and they choose to preach and teach messages that do not correlate with Jesus’ teachings and the Bible, then a major problem arises. Therefore, because of the opportunity to influence others is such a major aspect to those who teach, I feel as if it is fair for teachers to be judged to a higher standard.

    Jobes, K. H. (2011). The Letters to the Church. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

  17. I definitely agree with James on this one. I feel like there were people in this time that wanted to be preachers. spread the good news of Jesus and yeah people the Bible. But it was for the fame and glory that they wanted to do it. They wanted to be looked up to. Not that they cannot be that person but God has something special for them to do. giving God the glory is the key to that leadership. You said it best when you said that leaders cannot be afraid to tell the hard things. Do not be like Joel Osteen. instead speak the truth, like God wants. Matthew 7:21 even says that not everyone who will enter the kingdom of heaven. Even the people who call him lord. Now that is a heavy statement. As a teacher God holds you more accountable than others because you are leading people to christ. If you are leading them astray then God holds you accountable to that. He does not want you to take your job lightly. But also God forgives and understands we mess up. We just have to admit to that. not just be a preacher but also a leader.

  18. James 3 is a warning about taming a tongue. This goes into responsibilities of being a teacher. “With great power comes with great responsibility.” Being a teacher, in modern day, means you know more than what other people know and you are held responsible with anything that goes wrong with your students. In Luke 12: 48, Jesus said, “to whom much is given, much is required.” A teacher in a sense of Jesus’ time, it meant Rabbi. This was to be a teacher of the word of God. This was a great responsibility for one to have.
    When the bible talks about that not everyone should be a teacher, it means this is a job that a few are called to. It comes with lots of responsibilities and at the end one will be judged strictly.
    I agree that because they are given higher responsibilities, they should be held on higher standards.
    As a pastoral student this verse every time I read it, it helps me visualize how much of responsibility am headed to. This verse has encouraged me to pray more and seek for God’s guidance with everything as I am preparing to get into a pastoral position.

  19. James warning believers about becoming a “teacher” is something I never really had much thought about. Reading this article gave me insight that if you decide to be a teacher of God’s word, than you better be prepared of the judgement you’re about to take on. You have put so much stress on your shoulders on showing perfection. Becoming a teacher of God’s words means that your deeds and words must reflect our faith in God. This does not mean that you should not become a teacher. A teacher of God is one of the most important roles in the church. Teachers are made to help people understand the Word of God, but this also means they have to demonstrate and live by what they teach. 1 Corinthians 3:12 talks about how anyone who builds a foundation with gold, silver, precious stone, is building a foundation of Christ with good teaching but, building with wood, hay, straw, one’s work will become a manifest. It will be revealed by fire. Fire will test what sort of work each one has done. Whatever foundation is still standing after the fire, will receive a reward. The one’s whom’s foundation has burned up will duffer loss. I relate this to the verse about teachers being judged. Teachers can build with hay, straw, or wood or they can build with silver, gold, stone. The more you know about God’s word and live it you will be rewarded, but if you don’t live by what you are teaching than you will suffer a loss and be judged by your actions. If you plan on becoming a teach just remember if one of your “students” sees you doing anything other than living by God’s word, you will be judged immensely.

  20. I think James is correct in that teachers and preachers, both in the Bible and presently, need to be held to a higher standard. By taking a position of authority as a teacher you are putting yourself in a position where people see you as an expert of sorts on whatever topic you are teaching. James is fully aware of this when he says, “for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness” (James 3:1). Jobes (2011) talks about the Dipsychos person, or a double minded person. She emphasizes that James “apparently knew professing Christians who couldn’t quite make up their minds about what they believed” (p. 222). I imagine that some of these individuals were in fact teachers or aspired to be teachers because of the position or notoriety it would have given them. So, it seems like James understands it would be more beneficial to have a smaller number of qualified, biblically focused teachers, as opposed to a large quantity who were not grounded in the truth. I think Jobes really emphasized this point to me when she mentioned certain politicians who have used James as a talking point to their cause or political ambitions. I was a little surprised to see a quote by one in particular within the textbook. While it is true, we do not truly know their hearts and their walk with God, their actions often do not portray a biblically focused mindset. Of course no one is perfect, pastors included, but when actions are consistently counter to God how would their reference to Scripture translate to people who do not know Jesus? It seems to me that this is a prime example of what James is warning against, careless speech which will ultimately do more harm than good. And as my superhero loving husband likes to quote (repeatedly), “with great power comes great responsibility.”

    Jobes, K.H. (2011). Letters to the Church. Zondervan Publishing.

  21. I absolutely believe that we should evaluate public teachers of the Bible to a higher standard. I believe Jobes summed it up perfectly when she wrote, “Those who teach use words to instruct others, and so they must be characterized by integrity and have mastered the impulse to gossip, slander, and talk arrogantly.” I believe that teachers are not just giving their opinion on matters, they are employed to use facts to instruct their students. These students may only get the information on the matter being discussed by the teacher, so if this information is swayed by opinion or lack of knowledge or carelessness, it has the potential to affect the student’s whole perception on the topic. Now this student may go and spread their understanding on the matter, so the information has the potential to be spread from place to place to place. That is a huge responsibility for the teacher. I also believe that students lift their teachers up as being higher than the average person, which means the information the teacher gives the student is considered more valuable than the information given from another person. This means that the likelihood of the student retaining the knowledge (right, wrong, or indifferent) is greater, so the possibility of spreading bad information about the Bible is greater. I can’t say whether or not this is “fair”, but I believe that it is important to hold teachers to a higher standard if we want useful information about the Bible to spread.

  22. Though actions should and do often speak louder than words, what we say is the fastest and most self-revealing way to present ourselves and what we believe and value to the world (Jobes, 223). Just as teachers today should absolutely be held accountable, we can have the same standard and expectations for the teachers we read from in the Bible. Even in the early church we see that new believers were devoted to the apostles’ teachings, which came from Jesus’ earthly teachings (Polhill, 2085). Ephesians 4:11 lists the gifted people who articulate the gospel; the apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds and teachers. All Christians have spiritual gifts that should be used to minister to one another, but these gifts in verse 11 are specifically among church leaders (Baugh, 2268). I like how you said “the larger the following, the weaker the theology”, because unfortunately, that is commonly the theme we see in celebrity megachurch culture today.
    I believe teachers in the church, today and in the Bible, should be held to a higher standard not because they are better than or regarded as higher in the eyes of God than other church members or non-believers, but because they do hold more responsibility. Give anyone a platform (a celebrity or influencer, a radio or talk show host) they hold power and know that people will hear what they have to say simply because they have a big enough platform to say it and get it to the masses. That does not mean that they are correct, or that their opinion or statement should be taken as gospel. As believers, it is our responsibility to encourage one another and hold each other accountable, including the pastor. If a teacher says something that doesn’t sit well with you, do your own research on it and go to the teacher themselves. When we read something in the Bible, it is so important to take what the author or teacher is saying and cross-reference that with the rest of scripture.

    Baugh, S.M. “Ephesians” pages 2262-2274in the ESV Study Bible. Wheaton. Crossway, 2008.
    Polhill, John. “Acts” pages 2073-2139 in the ESV Study Bible. Wheaton. Crossway, 2008.

  23. According to Jobes, “one of the New Testament’s foremost ethical concerns is how people, especially God’s people, use words” (p. 171). There are passages throughout the New Testament that explain the importance of using your words the right way, and this passage in James is specifically focused on teachers. Going along with what Jobes says, I think that teachers of the Bible should be judged more strictly because they are God’s people, and so they should be held to God’s standards. Jobes goes on to say that “the expression of ourselves through speech is the primary way in which we interact with others, and it shapes our relationships” (p. 171). What people say effects their whole lives, and specifically what teachers say effects the lives of their students. They should be held to a higher standard because they are a huge influence on their students and can help shape a student’s life.

    However, James 3:2 says, “We all stumble in many ways.” Here, James is pointing out that as hard as a teacher tries to speak only God’s truth, we are human, so there is always the chance that they will fail. I think that teachers should be held to a higher standard, but when they make these mistakes, instead of being condemned, there should be a discussion with the teacher. A teacher should also have a student mindset, where they are willing to learn and grow along with their students. If they happen to make a mistake by accident and become aware of that mistake, it is an opportunity for them to learn and grow.

  24. It’s absolutely fair to hold teachers of the Bible to a higher standard. Through reason, this makes sense. As you (P. Long) said, sometimes people who are not qualified try to be teachers. If someone is teaching anything, they need to understand it themselves. Also, as Jobes says, “Christians must be concerned with the integrity of what they say” (2011, p. 224). While this is true for us to check ourselves as individuals, it also matters for Christians as a group of people. Teachers are influential in both Christian and non-Christian circles, for better or worse. If we are lenient on what teachers within Christianity say, this means that we are fine with others misunderstanding foundational beliefs within Christianity, which may push them away Christ. Assuming that the teacher in question is seeking to understand but is misinformed, a Matthew 18:15 conflict management style may be appropriate. In the worst-case scenario, this person may be leading others astray on purpose. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 5:12, “For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge?” (ESV). The section where this comes from says “not to even eat with such a one” involved in things like greed or idolatry, which may be where a desire to deceive others could stem from (1 Cor. 5:11, ESV). Similarly, the Matthew 18 conflict management style goes all the way to telling the church and then treating that person “as a Gentile and a tax collector” (Matt 18:18, ESV). Certainly, Jewish people back in those days would not have trusted a Gentile tax collector to teach. It’s clear that teachers of the gospel must be held to a higher standard.

  25. James 3 begins with a warning for believers: “not many of you should become teachers… we who teach will be judged more strictly” (James 3: NIV). When becoming a leader, one becomes susceptible to judgment and criticism from others. This is a part of taking a leadership role. Being willing to face these criticisms or questions, inspires the audience to use critical reasoning.
    When one thinks of Biblical leaders, one thinks of the Apostles, who faced scrutiny from the Jewish community. An example of this would be the Pharisees attacking the community with the law being their reasoning, opposed to living and acting in love. They did this to Jesus on the sabbath when heals a lame man and has the man pick up his mat and walk (John 5:1-18). Another Biblical leader would be Nicodemus, who was challenged by Jesus, resulting in him essentially becoming a Christian (John 3).
    In today’s society, for someone to become a teacher, there must be a true devotion to teaching. They are not becoming a teacher to make money or gain attention and popularity, but to inspire those who follow them to become better versions of themselves. Furthermore, “with great power comes great responsibility” (Uncle Ben, The Amazing Spiderman, 2012). This phrase is very similar to Jesus’ statement, “to whom much is given, much will be required” (Luke 12:48). One needs to take these statements into consideration before aspiring to become a teacher. Part of being a good leader is knowing that the information you are sharing has an impact on the audience whether they believe the teachings to be true, either in acceptance or denial.

  26. When you are in a position of high authority, responsible to shepard people spiritually and theologically, the standard you are held too should be very high. Like you said in your post, a slip of a badly told joke can cause someone to be affected and thus hinder the teachers ability pour into someones life. As Jobes says, “one of the most ethical concerns is how people, especially God’s people, use words” (p. 171) I can see this in my own personal experience where a pastor has said something to me and caused me to create walls between me and him, hindering our ability to serve together. Choice of words is really important, because harmful words really can hurt people. As a teacher/pastor, you are in a position that is speaking a lot, which makes it difficult to follow James charge to be slow to speak, therefore being in a position where you can easily slip up and lead someone astray.

  27. What does James mean by “Not many of you should become teachers” (James 3:1)? He says that those who teach with be judged “more strictly.” The reason for this scrutiny is the teacher speaks more, therefore has more opportunity to say things worthy of judgment. If the wise person is to be slow to speak (2:12), then teacher is in danger of judgment because of his constant speaking!” (Long). In James’ Jewish community teachers were judged by their popularity, a cultural “tradition” that is relevant to today. To be entertaining or to gain popularity, one might use humor or stories in their teaching which often leads to at least one person being offended. This was James’ concern, that teachers would offend their students and as a result, reduce the influence of their teaching. In order to keep one’s popularity some teachers avoid speaking on certain topics or going to detailed in theology. “Careless speech” is also something to watch out for. “A teacher might offer an expert opinion on a theological or ethical issue when they have not really done the work it requires to understand the issue, and therefore lead people astray” (Long). It is really easy for a teacher who is firm in their theology and faith but can lead people astray when speaking carelessly therefore resulting in church division. God uses teachers to help us understand the Bible better, but we need to read and study the Bible for ourselves. The Bible is very clear that we need to watch out for false prophets and teachers (Acts 20:25-31). The church of Berea is also used as an example of what we are to do. “Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if What Paul said was true” (Acts 17:11). I believe that God has a purpose for everyone and that for some God’s purpose for them is to be teachers. However, we need to study God’s word not only for our own Spiritual growth but to decipher between the true teaching of God’s word and false teaching.

  28. It is interesting that James leaves this caution for teachers. Many people do not realize how much is on a teacher’s plate, they have to make sure they have sound teaching but also have to look out for the people they are teaching. Jobes talks about how one of the main topics of James’ writing is that the spiritually mature person is someone who uses godly speech. It is very important for teachers to be able to not only use their speech in a way that glorifies God but also to teach others to use their words wisely. Our words have the power to speak things into existence but we cannot take them back. James understands that teachers are under a lot of pressure to do things right and represent the church well. And this is also why James makes the statement that not all are meant to be teachers. It is very interesting that not all are meant to be teachers because we all teach in some way, it is a big thing right now for believers to “disciple” each other and through that teach each other. I wonder what implications follow for this or if it is different than the teaching James is discussing. As an education major this rings very true, I am finding day after day that teaching is not easy and that being a teacher means being entrusted with sharing knowledge but doing it in the right way.

  29. This passage is often thought of as overly harsh towards teachers and preachers. However, I do not think it is. To me, it is logical that those who instruct others in matters of scripture be held to a higher standard. They are responsible for leading people in the right direction, and if they fail to do so, if they lead others in the wrong direction, the result could be that maybe even hundreds of people are not following Jesus. My brain goes to Romans 10 “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” The same is true for this situation, how can people learn and grow without someone teaching them? And what happens when the person teaching them leads them astray, teaches false doctrine, or utters careless speech? Teachers ought to be held responsible for what they teach those who follow them. Many times throughout the New Testament, Christians are warned against false teachers. 2 John warns against accepting and receiving false teachers into their homes. Matthew 7 talks about false prophets, wolves who come in sheep’s clothing. 2 Timothy and 2 Corinthians also warn of false teachers. With all the warnings that are given, it is clear that false teachers are clearly a threat to the church. And we know that we will receive judgment for our actions and when those actions cause others to fall away, is that not much more severe? Those who teach should be held to a high standard. What they say should be tested against scripture. What we say, how we act, all of it matters. As Christians, we want it to be a reflection of Christ, but more so, those who teach must make sure that how they live aligns with what they teach, and ultimately their teaching must be sound.

  30. Teachers truly do have such a higher responsibility than those who are followers or listeners. I think James makes the command of, “not many should become teachers” because they have such a high responsibility and not just anyone can become a teacher (James 3:1). When you teach, those who listen are deeming what you say as valuable and if a teacher is unable to properly or adequately speak their message then whatever importance they need to portray gets lost. This makes me think about some postmodern authors and speakers who have questionable theology and speak to large audiences and have powerful influence. It is a cause for concern because those who listen to a very unbiblical teacher are being deceived and their salvation and understanding of God becomes skewed or questionable. Jesus clearly warns his disciples and followers to beware of those who could be teaching falsely (Matt. 24), and it makes sense because people follow influence and if that influence is wrong it is even harder to go against that or reteach what has already been taught. Therefore I think it is right to hold teachers accountable and to a higher standard. They are the influencers teaching about the Bible, and therefore if they are not doing it right then they are deceiving others, whether intentional or not.

  31. While I am aware that James is speaking to church leaders and that Professor Long examines James from this context, I take the warning to teachers very seriously. This is because I chose to become a teacher for my career. While it may seem more simple and maybe of lighter impact/importance to some, this because I will be teaching early childhood, I disagree. My calling as a teacher has a great deal of weight, especially when I think of the way Jesus spoke of children so eloquently and with such high regard (Matthew 18:1-5 and Luke 18:16). Our youngest minds are so moldable, as are the minds of young believers. Therefore, as one whom was called to share the gospel and make disciples by the Great Commission in Matthew 28, the calling of teacher not only extends to church leaders, not only to me as an early childhood educator, but to all those who plants seeds and walk alongside new believers.
    In addition, teaching is not for the faint of heart. We must be brutally examined and held accountable for not only our traditional teaching, but the example and life we lead. Teaching, leadership, power can become overrated from a secular standpoint. We think neither of the cost nor the scrutiny in which one I these positions may and should, in my opinion, endure. Moreover, when I think of teachers not being held accountable in the literal and physical sense, they are always examined and held accountable by a good Father who knows their actions as well as intentions. Teacher will be judged more harshly, I believe that the more people that realize this, the better quality of leadership the world would have.

  32. I absolutely think that teachers should be held to a higher standard. To speak to others about God requires a controlled tongue because the teacher is representing a follower of Christ to the people. If someone were just learning about Jesus and they heard a teacher say something out of line, they could be led astray or turn from the church. I also think it is important to realize that a teacher is teaching to honor God and not for the entertainment of the people, and the people may not always like what is said when a teacher speaks truth, and people may flock to someone who does not speak truth. Jobes mentioned many passages in James that speak about the tongue and the words we speak. One of which says, “Control the tongue or one’s religion is useless” (James 1:26). While leaders should be held to a higher standard this should not be used as a cop out for the rest of the congregation to go on and say whatever they want simply because they are not teachers. Where the idea of being judged more strictly for words spoken applies specifically to teachers, the idea of a careless tongue making a religion useless applies to everyone. I have listened to a few too many messages where a pastor goes too far with a joke or says a snide remark and you can sense the tension in the room go up, but then the way some church members (I’ll admit it even me at times) goes and talks about the mistake with their family or friends without first talking to the pastor is wrong as well since we “must not grumble against one another, and we “must not slander one another” as seen in James 5:9 and James 4:11.

  33. This topic is such a piece of rich information that gives a warning to all teachers from James (3:1-2). If I must be authentic with the idea of being a teacher is not dropping a bucket thing it is complex because you must instruct and guide many people truly and there is no such thing as fraud. Jobes mentioned that “Teachers are held especially accountable for what they say, and for that reason, James cautions that not many among his readers should presume to teach (3:1-2).” (Jobes, 2011, pg. 171). I like this statement because teachers are responsible for what they say, and they hold so much accountable for their words, and it can be good and poor simultaneously. From the biblical view of a teacher, Jobes mentioned that “The religion of those who do not have control over their mouths is worthless (1:26).” (Jobes, 2011, pg. 171). In my philosophy, being a teacher is excellent because you are teaching others to be equipped, and if you are also being mindful that “you are not teaching the wrong information and teaching in a style that you desire” will be such a poor decision here. P.long mentioned the idea of such a bad teacher looks like, “a teacher who attains a level of popularity which prevents them from addressing some issues which are controversial.” (P.long, 2018, pg. 23). This could relate to many teachers our associates today because it is a modern world where social media took over and people are just following their popularity and frame. So again, as a teacher, you must be equipped before you teach others because without having enough information then it will symbolize that you are a hypocrite. In the biblical sense, teachers who speak false testimony to their congregation or preach the wrong information will be judged by God in the end.

  34. In James’ letter, he gives a warning about the teachers in the messianic community, making sure that they caution against them inspiring others to be in their position as teachers. He said that the people who teach will suffer a stricter judgment. By saying this he is showing that Jesus was a teacher, and he was given a lot, so for how much you give, you are held to a higher responsibility and requirement. This scrutiny that James is giving teachers comes from the fact that teachers speak more frequently and have more opportunities to say things that may be worthy of some judgment. James is worried that teachers may not speak with love when they are talking to their students and may give their students false misconceptions about theology and controversial topics. I believe that teachers should openly engage in conversations that are controversial with their students, this allows the students to be engaging and develop their ideas and beliefs. It is important that the teachers do not speak carelessly believe what they say and be able to back it up with knowledge.

  35. I think that broadly we do judge public teachers with more scrutiny today, and furthermore, may be natural whilst perhaps not justified.. The phrase “practice what you preach” is the greatest example of this. No one wants to be told what to do, or what is right and wrong by someone who is actively and visibly engaging in the wrong behavior that is being referred to. However, at the same time we are in fact all sinners obviously, even those who are put into positions of authority, and as such we will all sin and make mistakes, and at times we will fail to do ourselves what we tell others to do.
    While it is ill advised to judge others as we all fall short of the glory of God, it is a part of human nature and just like sin it will continue to happen, wrong as it may be. “Do not judge, or you too will be judged,” ( Mat. 7:1). Matthew 7:1-6 is centered around the reality of judging others, and can basically be summed up with, don’t judge others because if you look at yourself you will discover the hypocrisy of your actions. This being said, while it may be wrong to judge our teachers more strictly, it is a result of our sinful nature and has always and will continue to be a reality.

  36. When I think of the standards that teachers need to have, one is not to be hypocritical. Being hypocritical is one of the first things I notice in a teacher. This is also the same for leaders as teachers are leaders, and a teacher cannot be teaching one doctrine just to not believe in that same doctrine with their actions and words. Another thing I correlate with teaching and leadership is the wisdom and knowledge of their field. No church or group wants a leader or a pastor that is not confident in their teaching. Being unconfident and unknowledgeable in your teachings can cause you to mislead those you are teaching or leading. The standards of a teacher must be higher than most that aren’t because they are responsible for the growth knowledge and faith of those that are under them. Making mistakes is typically a part of life, but making critical mistakes, especially for a leader or teaching can come at the detriment of their church or group. So why would anyone want to become a teacher if it is such a burden. Most that teach and lead are called to it, and have attributes, like accountability, wisdom, sacrificial, confident, and above all live to serve God.

  37. I believe that unconsciously we do hold bible teachers with higher standards. Because they are the ones to teach the Word of God, I believe there is this unconscious expectancy from Christians over the Bible teachers that their behaviors must be aligned with what they teach. “Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly” (James 3:1, NIV). Which when studying the book of James and the blog post, that makes sense. When considering all the warnings James gives regarding the importance of watching over our speech, and considering the opportunity that Bible teachers have to influence others with their speech. For sure, they must be careful. I remember having a bad experience with a teacher at a seminary that did not show a lot of grace with students that would think differently than him, he would act as if those who thought differently than him were not as smart. Plus, when considering the whole history in the Bible of people who had such authority, how easy it is to miss the point and become legalist or judgmental is very easy. So, for sure we have to be careful, we hear in the world that knowledge is power. “Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom” (James 3:13, NIV). The more a professor learns about the world of God, he must continue to seek to be humble before God, and recognizing that God is the One to give wisdom, so he loses track of the truth, and proudly acts without love towards the students and other professors as well. “ But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere” (James 3:17, NIV).

  38. I currently work at Potter’s House as a teacher’s assistant whenever I am not physically present at university and I cannot describe how many times I have witnessed a child forever influenced by their favorite instructor’s words. The dimension of teaching as expressed in James demonstrates a sentiment against popularity – preachers with large congregations often twist or malign the biblical text so as not to offend the people who frequent their church. However, the same applies to contemporary schooling settings as well; teachers share a heightened responsibility for what they say not only because they are required as instructors to talk more, but also due to the unparalleled influence of a teacher’s statements. My developed writing skills primarily stemmed from a fifth-grade teacher who praised the poetry I had written for my local library. My interest in history and research came from a compelling seventh-grade teacher. A listening student can be one sentence away from having the entire trajectory of their life changed, and often one’s favorite subjects and topics are informed by guiding, supportive teachers (Jobes, 2011, p. 224). Therefore, embedded within the expected responsibilities of a teacher is a desire to share the full, unadulterated truth no matter the reception of those on the receiving end of education. Long (2018) suggests, “For teachers in the Jewish or Greco-Roman world, a teacher was judged by his popularity, Just as happens in the modern world, a popular teacher is entertaining.” The statement could not be closer to the truth. Even online instructors develop a presence due to their rhetorical approach’s entertaining and gripping power or their wit in interleaving jokes and information. Unfortunately, raw information presented in a God-glorifying context comes at a premium nowadays.

    This warning for teachers comes prebuilt with an assumption from Luke 6:45, “A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of” (ESV). Therein lies the rub – godly speech is consistent with the character of those in Christ, extending outwardly to all that a believer does. What a person says is an expression, the fruit, of who that person is. Notably, “Christians lie, break promises, spread gossip, violate confidences, and use their words to promote themselves and to put down others. . . Spiritually mature people exhibit godly speech” (Jobes, 2011, p. 172). With the authority to profess God’s word arises a responsibility to present purely what the text communicates. Careless speech, as was equally likely in the Jewish diaspora churches, creates a divisive atmosphere that helps no one, and restrictive speech cultivates a massive following unable to grapple with their sinfulness and necessity for grace. This expression is the “primary way in which we interact with others, and it shapes our relationships day by day throughout our lives” (Jobes, 2011, p. 171). At a fundamental level, personal integrity is based on trustworthy conduct and disposition reflected through speech that desires not to speak before listening (James 1:19), in anger (1:20), or with a purpose of slandering others (Jobes, 2011, p. 224). Luke 12:48 notes the parable of the wise manager, keying in with the theme of wisdom extrapolated throughout James, wherein “Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.” How can we prevent ourselves from becoming teachers of the Bible, or any profession in which we might have an opportunity to evangelize, for the wrong reasons?

  39. James provides a serious warning to those who want to be church teachers or leaders because they are more responsible and will face harsher penalties, which means they have to take this duty carefully. Being a leader in the church is very easy, but a leader will be asked or judged more than others.  God is going to be especially harsh in his judgment of church leaders on the final day because of our power over people. James considered himself one of the imperfect people, but believers should make better relationships with God so that they will make fewer mistakes.

    James provided teachers and believers worldwide with a way to gauge their spiritual development, and Jesus provided a picture of how words can disclose an individual’s real character in Matthew 12:34. I believe it is so important for a leader to have a good reputation and character. We might lead so many people, and people may think we are great leaders, but still, we always need to thank our Lord, wherever we are. We can always sin because we are not perfect. Therefore, leaders must bow down to God and pray for God’s guidance and assistance. We must be mature spiritually, and if a leader has a desire to be immature spiritually, then they can easily commit a sin with their tongue. A leader is influencing others, and if a leader is immature spiritually, then it will be hard for them to lead the people to the cross. The church leaders are so important, and since they are leaders, they must obey, listen, and be faithful to God. 

  40. James’s warning about becoming a teacher is a necessary reminder that engaging in such a profession comes with any additional restrictions and responsibilities. James admits that we all stumble in sin (Jas 3:2), as one without sin is a perfect man who can ‘bridle’ himself, not needing a guide. However, considering nobody, except Jesus, could ever qualify for such a description, one must constantly seek repentance and spiritual growth from these struggles. Yet, as a teacher, who leads others in holiness and seeking Christ, one must strive more perfectly toward obedience, as his responsibility for others is much greater than those under him. While this does not serve as an excuse for laymen to persist in sinful behavior since they are not teachers, but it does serve as a somber reminder for teachers that they must hold themselves accountable more critically than others. Those who are given such roles and responsibilities, similar to Luke 12:48, are required much more than others. For James, this statement may have been an attempt to limit the number of teachers in the early church, perhaps having many who aspired to be teachers but were unqualified (Long, 2018).
    Similar to modern culture, a teacher was often judged by his popularity and large following, serving as an indicator of the truthfulness of their message. However, just as many understand in modern culture, popularity is not necessarily proportional to the quality of teaching. A popular teacher may avoid speaking on difficult topics in hopes of not alienating certain aspects of their audience, or perhaps build their popularity on being uncharitable towards a dissenting position. James speaks to these issues directly by addressing the role of teachers and proper speech, as he was concerned with impure language from these teachers (Long, 2018). If one aspires to be a teacher, one must be willing to hold themselves to a higher standard and choose loving language over hateful and divisive rhetoric. Not all are called to this profession, which means that not everyone should aspire for this type of position, although this should not prohibit one from personal study. No matter what profession one finds oneself in, one should act and behave in manners glorifying God, not engaging in petty arguments or harmful rhetoric.

  41. Thank you for your input Professor Long. James gives an injunction in his epistle to admonish his readers not to become many teachers. This teaching seems to stem from a concern for the potential pitfalls associated with many teachers in the Christian community. Caution can come from fear of unqualified individuals who want to be teachers, drawing parallels with Jesus’ warning to avoid the title “Rabbi” and stay away from the hypocrisy of the Pharisees (Matthew 23:6-8). The primary reason James gave advice was the greater scrutiny that teachers would receive in law. This is consistent with the biblical principle that those to whom much is given will need much (Luke 12:48). The everyday language of instruction provides many opportunities for sentences under judgment. James, himself in the warning, emphasizes the seriousness of the matter. This study is concerned with the language that may be misused by teachers. Concerned about unloving speech, James highlights the dangers of teachers speaking carelessly, risking offense, and undermining the intended message. Popular teachers prioritize entertainment, use humor and anecdotes, and unintentionally provoke anger. It also recognized the danger of popularity as a barrier to dealing with controversial issues, exemplified by the cautionary tale of thin theology in the archdiocese. Additionally, James emphasizes the authority of teachers in responsibility for God’s Word, Christian practice, and theology. This duty extends even to giving opinions when they are not prepared, which is like the national character of giving opinions on matters outside their expertise Perhaps James assumes that indifferent speech causes division in the church, a concern expressed in Paul’s handling of division in Corinth. The evaluation of public teachers raises the question of whether they deserve to be held to higher standards because of their teaching role.

  42. Teachers have immense influence on those who are willing to listen and learn from them. This position is therefore crucial to the growth or destruction of an individual’s knowledge and beliefs. With this role clearly comes great responsibility, and therefore should require evaluation. James shares that not everyone can or should be teachers because they don’t necessarily have what it takes to be a teacher of truth. Paul even says something similar to what James says in regards to teachers.“Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths” (2 Timothy 4:2-4). The reason weak theology has a bigger following is because people like to hear what they want to hear. Teachers of truth and honesty though should be ready and able to speak the truth of God’s Word and cannot be influenced by the desire to preach what they or others want to hear. These teachers must have a good sense of right from wrong and desire to speak truth into the lives of others, not simply speak to just accept other’s “truths”. Teachers should therefore be judged more strictly because of the influence they possess. ”The goal is never to be at fault in what we say” (James 3:2) and have the self control to keep one’s body in check. Those who teach use words to instruct others, and so they must be characterized by integrity and have mastered the impulse to gossip, slander, and talk arrogantly” (Jobes, 225). Because of the influence that teachers have, they are being listened to and watched, so it’s not only their words, but their actions that can have influence as well. This requires good teachers to then have integrity and to practice what they preach. Not only must an individual be gifted to be a teacher, they must also have a clear calling from the Lord, and they must be held to the standards that God has for those teaching His Word.

    Jobes, Karen H. Letters to the Church: A Survey of Hebrews and the General Epistles. Zondervan, 2011.

  43. Teachers have a huge impact on people as they are usually trusted and their words shape individuals’ way of thinking and sometimes, their beliefs as well. This is even more important for Biblical teachers as people look up to them for guidance and clarification on scripture. In a way, believers can be considered teachers because of how the community around us listens to the things we say and either grows from them or goes astray. This is why we should be careful of the things we say, as Ephesians 4:29 says. With that being said, yes, it can be considered fair to hold public teachers of the Bible to a higher standard, as it reflects the responsibility they have in shaping beliefs and morals within their community, in line with the principles mentioned in James 3:1-2. Evaluation of public teachers of the Bible should include examining the accuracy of their teachings, assessing their ethical conduct, observing their ability to promote understanding and compassion, and considering their impact on the community’s spiritual well-being. A comprehensive approach ensures a fair and balanced assessment. When we read the book of James, it is inspired by Jesus’ teachings(Jobes, 2011, 210); which goes on to show just how influential teachers can be.

  44. I think James has a point that not everyone should be teachers. Being a teacher is a tough job that not everyone is qualified to do. As a teacher you will be responsible for teaching the biblical truth to others and that can be quite dangerous if the person who is teaching does not have enough biblical wisdom or if their beliefs and teachings don’t line up with what the bible says. I do believe that teachers should be held to a higher standard because of the weight their teachings carry when teaching individuals that are non believers. It is so important that the people we allow to teach the bible are experienced and know the lord and are willing to teach from God’s word and not from what the world says. James 3:1 is a great verse that shows us that not everyone should teach. It says “Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.” James doesn’t mean this in a bad way, he’s just demonstrating the wisdom required to teach and that not everyone is called to teach from the word. I think that even if we are not called to teach, we should be prepared to answer questions about our faith if we are asked and be able to give people the tools to grow in their faith and point them towards the lord.

  45. This post was a very interesting to read. I think that the standard for someone who is taking on the role to teach God’s word and truth, should definitely be held to a high standard. They are spreading the word of God, which is the ultimate truth. I would think as a teacher of that you would want to make sure you know what you are talking about. I do think that sometimes people in those positions to get critiqued and do get held to this standard of “perfection”. I think that it is important to remember that they are still human and will be at fault; it is just important to how they respond to their mistakes. I think about in in a context of a classroom teacher. There is so much preparation and time that goes into planning beforehand. It is not a job that is easy by any means. God calls people to take that role, and if they take that genuinely they will do all that they can to glorify Him.

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