Book Giveaway Winner! – Robert Gundry, Peter: False Disciple and Apostate

I offered an extra copy of Robert Gundry, Peter: False Disciple and Apostate back on January 3 and today I pick a winner. There were 20 comments (after I deleted some duplicates), so I pasted your names in a spreadsheet, sorted them randomly, then generated a random number at And the winner is…..


Congrats to Charles! I guess you are like Cher or Madonna, known only by a single name…Please contact me as soon as possible via email (plong42 at gmail .com) with your mailing address and I will drop the book in the mail ASAP. If you are disappointed, I will launch another giveaway today.

3 thoughts on “Book Giveaway Winner! – Robert Gundry, Peter: False Disciple and Apostate

  1. Gundry’s reading of Matthew reminds me of the view of a otherwise dear Christian lady who thought the biblical David a permanently horrible individual for the incident with Bathsheba. We are all horrible apart from God’s grace. Gundry should have titled his work: “How Not to Read the Bible” from my perspective. Methodological grids are never solutions for understanding God’s word.

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