Biblical Studies Carnival 131 – January 2017

BiblioBlogger Carnival Barker?

BiblioBlogger Carnival Barker?

Cassandra Farrin hosts the January 2017 Biblical Studies Carnival at her Ethics & Early Christianity Blog hosted by the Westar Institute. In addition to the usual categories, Cassandra has a collection of links to biblioblogs (and others) commenting on Religion, Media & the US Presidential Election. I might have filed this under Apocalyptic and the End of the World, but her category works too.

Brian Small has a few Hebrews Highlights for January 2017 at his Hebrews themed blog, POLUMEROS KAI POLUTROPOS. I noticed Brian is part of a Hebrews group at the upcoming Midwest SBL meetings (now in South Bend, Indiana). I hope to attend these sessions discussing ““What Is Hebrews?”

I am always looking for hosts for future carnivals, so please considered volunteering as a host. If you you have hosted in the past, feel free to volunteer again. Carnivals are a great way to attract attention to your site if you are new blogger, but more importantly it gives you a chance to highlight the best and the brightest in the world of bibliblogs. Contact me via email (, DM on twitter (@plong42) or a comment on this post and I can contact you.

The upcoming schedule for Carnivals is as follows:

Obviously I am still looking for volunteers for March – June 2016, and then the rest of the year.

Finally, I have a FlipBoard Magazine dedicated to biblical studies. You can use the web version or follow me using FlipBoard on your iOS or Android devices. I really enjoy the iPad version of FlipBoard, so check it out. You can always follow me on twitter, @plong42.

4 thoughts on “Biblical Studies Carnival 131 – January 2017

  1. Phil, thanks for linking to Brian Small’s Hebrews blog. What a fantastic resource! Do you know of any other blogs like his on other books of the Bible?

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