Biblical Studies Carnival CXIII – April 2016


Jeff Carter (@thatjeffcarter) posted a fine Carnival on May 1 (I was out celebrating May Day). He claims to have used the “more-is-more, throw the spaghetti against the wall and see what sticks kind of approach, ” otherwise know as the Keener Commentary method. Jeff includes some podcasts and videos along with the usual sort of links. He also added a brief abstract for many of the links, which is a nice touch. So head over to That Jeff Carter Was Here and catch up on the best and brightest in the BiblioBlog universe.

carnival-clownsJim West’s Alt-Carnival is dedicated the SBL since it is a mere six months until the highlight of Jim’s social calendar, the annual SBL Conference. The rumor is Jim will attending only AAR meetings as a result of his recent graduation from a tolerance training seminar. He answers the question which is on everyone’s mind, “what’s SBL been up to with your money?” The answer is, “quite a bit, really.”

Brian Small offers his Hebrews Highlights, which sadly was only a single article this month. Let’s step it up, Hebrews people! In fairness, Brian should have included his own excellent review of Matthew R. Malcolm, ed. All That the Prophets Have Declared: The Appropriation of Scripture in the Emergence of Christianity (Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2015).

In personal blogging news, Reading Acts passed the one-million hit mark and I have been giving away a few books to celebrate (this one finished May 3). I have a couple more planned, so look for the announcement. If you use FlipBoard to read blogs, consider following my Biblical Studies magazine. The Web-based version is OK, but Flipboard is an essential app for your iOS device. I use it on my iPad for news and other special interests. Follow me on twitter (@plong42) as well.

The next two carnivals are set:

I have included a link to the site hosting as well as a twitter account so you can nominate posts during the month by sending them directly to the host. If you do not have a twitter account, contact the host via their blog.

As always I am looking for volunteers for the rest of the year (after July). Carnivals are a great way to attract attention to your site if you are new blogger, but more importantly it gives you a chance to highlight the best and the brightest in the world of BibliBlogs. Please email me  (plong42 at or direct message on Twitter (@plong42). You can also leave a comment here with your contact info and I will get back to you.


5 thoughts on “Biblical Studies Carnival CXIII – April 2016

  1. Actually, it was two articles by Neufeld this past month.

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