Last Call for Biblical Studies Carnival Links for December 2015

Misfit ToysThe last Biblioblog Carnival of 2015 will be hosted by Jennifer Guo (@jenniferguo). Jennifer told me she was working hard on the Carnival, but if you send her a link or two she might be able to use them. What have you read this month that was challenging, simulating, or maybe even a bit strange? This is a good time to promote a less well-known blog you enjoy, or you can send a link to your own work.

A “blog carnival” is a collection of links on a particular topic for a given period. I think the idea of a blog carnival first developed out of psychology or sociology blogs, but the first BiblioBlog carnival was Joel Ng at Ebla Logs in March 2005. Sadly, Joel’s blog is long gone, but you can read an archive of it at Peter Kirby’s Biblioblog Top 50.

If you are a blogger and are interested in hosting a future blog, please contact me (@plong42, plong42 at gmail dot com, or leave a comment here and I can contact you). I have Tim Bulkeley at Sansblogue for January 2016 and Jacob Prahlow (@prahlowjacob) at Pursuing Veritas for February 2016, and Brian Renshaw for May 2016. I would love to fill in March and April or even some of the summer months.

5 thoughts on “Last Call for Biblical Studies Carnival Links for December 2015

  1. Yes, please do let me know if you’ve read or written a post you would like included! (do so at my Twitter or blog, linked to above in Phil’s post so as not to clog up his comments). I did a submission form and blog post soliciting for the Carnival in the past, but due to lack of response I didn’t solicit this time.

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