Biblical Studies Carnival – September 2014

Winter CarnivalMike Skinner has posted the September Carnival at cataclysmic.  The theme is college football, which appears to be some sort of mid-western cult that takes over the entire culture for a few months each fall. Maybe the two top teams in the NTC (New Testament Conference) can play in the Schweitzer Bowl in January?

This is an excellent collection of links highlighting the best of September. Head over to cataclysmic, read the Carnival and click all the links, and thank Mike for his hard work.

In other blogging news, Jim West offers his own collection of carnival links. Brian Small has a few Hebrews HighlightsBrian Renshaw is hosting the October Carnival at his new eponymous blog, and Jim West will unite the schismatic Blogging Community once again in November. I have no more volunteers, so if you were thinking of hosting a carnival, now would be a great time to hear from you. December (due Jan 1) needs a host as well as any month in 2015 (first come, first served).

Carnivals are a great way to get some good exposure for your blog. If you are interested in hosting a future Carnival, contact me (plong42 at gmail dot com). I would love to see some of the newer blogs get involved, but if you have hosted in the past, feel free to take another spin!



4 thoughts on “Biblical Studies Carnival – September 2014

  1. do you have a volunteer for this month yet? I can’t manage starting this late in the month – but maybe I could if pressed into service.

    There may be some posts on Isaiah 54 since Joel Hoffman is hosting a translation exercise at his blog God Didn’t Say That.

    I am anticipating his invitation by going after the first verse here and here.


      • Thanks Phil. I recommended a number of posts from several sites to him. As for me, in December, I will be away and then I have grandchild visiting. If you are stuck, let me know. Perhaps I can figure out a lower-effort method of putting the carnival together.

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